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A/N - Sorry if this chapter triggers you (I mean idk why it would) but this is me as a writer putting in all my emotions, if my man fucked another girl on front of me. I mean, Hana isn't your cliché, shy and innocent girl like no. I mean yeah she might be sometimes but yano. 'Ain't you ever seen a princess be a bad bitch?' - Ariana Queen Grande.

The next day, Hana was back at school. Back to her usual cold, bitchy, petty self.

The whole day, she remained alone and away from everyone else, being the moody bitch she was. She even tried avoiding Hyunjin all day because she never wanted to see his face after what he had done.

Atleast until during one point of the day. As she was walking through the corridors of the school with her usual resting bitch face, she felt that someone had suddenly grabbed her wrist and pinned her against the wall.

She looked up at the person and responded with an annoyed expression. He only stared at her straight. His apologetic eyes filled with anger.

"Let go of me!" Hana screamed in his face, trying to escape from his grip. His hold got tighter, however.

"No! Not until you listen to me!" He yelled back. Hana was burning with fury as she simply didn't want to hear any of his bullshit excuses.

"Let- go- of me, for god's sake Hwang Hyunjin!" She shouted even louder, making everyone crowd round.

"Why won't you listen to me?!"

"For fucks sake! Let- go- of me! Hana eventually escaped from his hold. However, Hyunjin still wanted an answer and grabbed her wrist again. This time, even more tighter.

"Now fucking listen to me atleast once!" He demanded.

"You're- hurting- me." She struggled to escape. Hyunjin's expression became blank as he loosened his grip on her wrist. This time, Hana finally had her chance to escape once again. She looked at her wrist, to see that it was all bruised. Meanwhile her uninjured hand, clenched into a fist as she brushed it across Hyunjin's cheek.

The other students seemed shook as if they've never seen a girl punch a guy before (A/N because eyyy girl power)

Meanwhile, Hyunjin just stood there completely blank, as Hana just stormed off. The number of students that were crowded round, reduced.

The corridor was completely empty now, yet Hyunjin still stood there. The school was empty too, as the school day ended.

A single tear eventually streamed down his bruised cheek, tearing his masculine image. His lips trembled to form a frown. Soon, a waterfall of tears fell from his eyes.

He screamed. He yelled. He wanted to release all of his frustration. Why did it had to be today to realise how much of an ass he really was? Why was it her to make him realise?

He punched the wall and screamed. He kept crying. Once his fist was bleeding from all the punching, he leaned against the wall. Wiping his tears away, he laughed.

"Hyunjin, why are you such an idiot?" He questioned himself.
"She won't ever fall for you again, so why do you try so hard?" He added.

"Why are you so fucking desperate for a girl who's not even that stupid to fall for you. Someone who's so different from you." He punched the wall again.

"Someone who doesn't even remember you."


Tired, Hana laid back on the couch. Seungmin eventually walked in with an ice pack and a glass of cold water; to cool her temper down.

"Give me your wrist." Seungmin commanded. Hana hesitated as Seungmin placed the ice pack over her bruise. Hana flinched from the sudden coldness of the ice pack.

"Does it still hurt?" He asked her.

"Not at all." Hana shrugged, staring at the ice pack. Seungmin looked at the girl next to him, who was clearly hurting. There was sorrow visible in her eyes, yet fury. He knew that she was physically and emotionally hurting.

"You know. I don't think it was all his fault." Seungmin stated, reminding her of what had happened. Hana was alarmed and gave him a confused look.

"What the hell do you mean it wasn't his fault?"

"He's not like that. I've been his best mate since primary."

"Yeah and we've been friends since Nursery (Kindergarten)." Hana rolled her eyes.

"Hana, I've known him for years and I know that he's not like that. There's a reason to why he's such a 'fuckboy'." Seungmin stated. Hana was even more curious now. She tilted her head and raised a brow, eager to know more.

"It's all because of you." Seungmin blabbed out. Hana slightly gasped and widened her eyes.

Her head began to hurt suddenly: those words felt so familiar. As if she's heard something like that before. From someone.

Am I really the reason?

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