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"So, another pair of Gucci shoes from Jaeyoung, Chanel perfume from Yeseul and..." Hana paused, opening the small present with a tag that stated 'from wonnie xx'. "Socks from Chaewon. I mean I wasn't expecting much after giving her a new pair of Louboutin's" She said with sarcasm.

"She got me a Louis Vuitton belt." Hyunjin raised a brow whilst putting his new belt on. Hana rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, don't forget that I, Mrs Hwang exist. Look what I got you, at-least." She responded.

"Got7 merch is of course much better than receiving Louis Vuitton." He chuckled. Hana crossed her arms and gave him a glare. She soon headed towards him and wrapped an arm around his neck. She squeezed his neck tight but not tight enough to kill him, lucky enough.

"You have a wife." She muttered to him. Hyunjin tried his best to mumble an 'ok'. Hana smiles to herself and eventually let him go. "Good boy."

"Jealous?" He smirked.

"Shut the fuck up, Im going to sleep." She walked off, sticking up her middle finger. Hyunjin followed behind but stops on his tracks, remembering something.

He rushed to the Christmas tree and grabbed the small present that was hidden beneath the branches covered in green.

With the present hidden behind his back, he rushed to their bedroom. As he walked in, the warmth welcomed him and he saw a bored Hana sitting on the bed. He climbed onto the bed and sat beside her, placing the present in her lap.

Hana gave him a confused look and faced him. "What's this?" She questioned him.

"Open it." Hyunjin simply replied. Within a second, Hana unwrapped the horribly wrapped gift and gasped. A tear fell from the corner of her eye and her mouth was wide open.

"O-oh my god. H-h-how?" She just kept her eyes on the music box in her hands. With her fingers she traced all the details.

"You think I would've just discarded it?" He replied back, pulling her close to him.

"The only memory my mother left behind... it's been years. How did you still manage to keep this?"

"Christmas wouldn't have been the same if the whole family didn't reunite."

Hana trembled her lips and spoke in between sobs. "Thank you, Hwang Hyunjin."

"Thank you, Park Hana for coming into my life." Hyunjin wiped her tears with his thumb.

"To be honest..." Hana breathed and formed a soft smile.

"The best thing I ever did was meet you."


Thank you so so much for an amazing year and for being on this journey with Hana and her fucked up love life which thankfully turned out alright in the end. I'm gonna miss writing about these two. *sad face*

Funny thing, I was actually going to delete this story before because It didn't do too well but thanks to your continuous support I was encouraged to continue and achieve this huge amount of success. Thank you for recognising my work out of loads of other wonderful books!

The best thing I ever did was to actually continue with this book and to be on this amazing journey with YOU GUYS!

I love you guys so much and wish you a Merry Christmas as well as a happy fresh new year.


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