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"Oof, If he knows where I am, then why don't he come fetch me?" Hana looked through the photos on her phone. "I mean, why did he have to change his number?" She blabbed on, swiping from picture to picture. "But fuck you, unconcerned shit." She shut her phone off, chucking it on the bed, laying down afterwards.

A few moments later, someone was knocking on her bedroom door. She walked towards the door, slouching and opened it to see her dad.

"Oh hi dad." She tried pulling a bright smile. "Hana I need to talk to you." He sat on the small couch by the massive bed.

"Yeah...?" She spoke after him.

"In a few days, you'll be heading back to Korea... There's someone I want you to meet and I don't want to hide it from you." He explained.

"Really?!" Hana exclaimed in an excited tone. She jumped up already pleased with what she just heard.

A few days later~

Hana was up early and already ready. All she had to do was some last minute packing and she was done. After packing her belongings, she carried the suitcase downstairs. About a few steps away, she tripped as her suitcase fell with her. She squeezed her eyes shut, anticipating for the hard, marble floor to catch her.

Fortunately, she landed safely although she was expecting a dramatic fall onto the ground. She slowly opened her eyes to meet with Jaeyoung's handsome face. Luckily, she fell into his arms. They were pretty muscular, which made her feel safe and protected.

"Sh-shit. Thanks for saving my clumsy ass." She thanked him, avoiding his eye contact. As she shifted her gaze, she realised how close they were and quickly moved away.

"Idiot. You should've told me to help you carry the suitcase downstairs." He placed his hands on his hips. Hana looked away in embarrassment and picked up her suitcase. Soon a loud horn was heard from outside.

"I guess my dad's here. I'll visit you again someday..." She let her hand out to shake his. Jaeyoung did take her hand, but pulled her in to embrace her. Hana was in a bit of a shock due to his sudden gesture.

"I waited for you for so long, why do you have to leave so quickly?" He spoke in a soft voice, hugging her tightly.

"I promise, I'll come back again soon. Don't worry." She assured him. While they were in this moment, the car once again honked again. Alarmed, they pulled apart and smiled at each other.

Hana took her suitcase and walked out, waving a goodbye to her childhood friend who waited long for her.


Soon after, Hana already arrived at the airport. She shut the door of the black Bentley and took out the Gucci suitcase from the boot.

"I'm gonna have a cigarette, you go inside the airport and sit down since there's 3 hours left." Her dad informed her, lighting the end of his cigarette.

"Since when do you smoke?" She asked her dad.

"Ah... Don't worry about that. Just go inside and have something to eat." He told his daughter. Hana was still concerned but left anyway. As she approached the entrance of the airport, there were many cameras crowded as well as many girls. They all seemed to be screaming with banners and their phones.

The entrance was pretty much blocked but realised that there was still a small tiny path. As she tried fighting through the crowd, she saw nine boys walk out cool clothing. Perhaps they were an idol group. Their faces were covered with masks and glasses, though a few of them felt familiar.

As she fought her way through the crowd, she had bumped into one of them. They were so close (physically) as loads of fangirls kept barging in, suffocating them.

Unusually, the guy stared at Hana as they made eye contact for a good 30 seconds. His eyes were widened while Hana just had a confused expression. While his mouth was covered with a mask, his eyes weren't. They were a chocolate brown and so beautiful.

However, his gaze felt too familiar to Hana as he slowly pulled down his mask.

Hana was in shock. She froze completely to have met with such a familiar face after years. "Hyunjin?" She questioned, looking right at him.

Despite knowing that there were many cameras surrounding them, Hyunjin pulled her closer and gazed down at her lips. Not caring about how many eyes were watching him, he leaned in, placing his lips on her. He gently kissed her, parting shortly after.

He had no idea why he did that. Maybe because he missed the taste of her lips. He missed the feeling of her being in his arms.

"Why did you just do that?" Hana questioned him, with a serious expression.

"I-I don't know." He responded truthfully. He was actually being honest. He really didn't know.

And he was not ready to face the consequences.

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