Hanjin's life update: Dinner party

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"Hyunjin, you fucking dickhead!" Hana yelled from the kitchen.

"Hmm." Hyunjin simply hummed in response, his eyes clearly focused on TV as he watched his 7 seniors light up the stage on mcountdown.


"Alright I'm coming, babe!" Hyunjin yelled back as he took one last glance at the TV "Fuck, they performed Boy with luv too?!" He was stunned but continued with a sigh as his wife was screaming at him from the kitchen.

As he walked into the kitchen, a huge huff of smoke hit him right in his face, causing him to choke. "What the fuck?!" He groaned as he squeezed his eyes shut. "But I thought we put the cake in the oven already? How can there be no dessert?" He said in between coughs as he made his way further into the kitchen.

"You dipshit... YOU were in charge of dessert while I'm standing here making the noodles, chicken and the lasagna. You had one fucking job."

"Should I-"

"Never mind... I brought cake anyways knowing you'd fuck something up. Either way, it would've tasted like shit. Sorry."

"Well fuck... That hurt." He pulled Hana closer to him, tightening his arms around her waist. As he closed the space between them, Hana tried to squirm out of his hold.

"Hyunjin, not now... I got finish preparing the food!" Hana said in a quiet voice, slightly chuckling as she felt his lips on her neck.

"Can I have my dessert now?" Hyunjin whispered closed to her ear, in a seductive voice. As he continued kissing her neck, Hana failed to respond as she was left speechless from Hyunjin's slightest touch.

Hana bit her bottom lip as she felt his hot breath close to her lips. Within an instant, Hyunjin kissed her tenderly and softly with their lips moving in sync.

However, they were disrupted as the door bell suddenly rang.

"Shit. They're here and I'm a total mess." Hana quickly escaped from Hyunjin's hold and rushed to the door.

As she opened the door, she was mesmerised by the beauty of 7 handsome and tall men standing before her. "Hello!" She mumbled, standing awkwardly, not knowing what to say. Distracted by their beauty she let them come in, one by one. The final person to walk in was Jungkook as he gave her a smile and handed her a bunch of pink flowers. Hana's heart was practically doing backflips right now because damn he was fucking cute.

"Thank you for inviting me for dinner, Hana. I hope you don't mind me bringing the rest of the boys. Oh and nice to see that you have been watching our comeback show." Namjoon shook her hand, leaving her (jung)shook.

"It's fine and Yep. Gotta support my favourites." She responded with a smile, still so shook that she didn't even notice Hyunjin calling her from the kitchen. "I'll get the food right away!"

"Ahem. So, when do I get my dessert?" Hyunjin faked a cough and whispered to her. Hana raised a brow and faced him with a cheeky grin.

"You're gonna have to beg for it."

"Wow. So you wanna play dominant?"

"No. I'm gonna play hard to get. Control your fucking hormones."

"Fuck, you're making it hard for me already."

"Then I'll make it harder for you."

"I'm already hard." Hana was sure to have heard him slightly groan. It wasn't easy trying to keep him tamed.

"Woah! Keep your dick in your pants boy unless you want me to confess something that's gonna make this even harder for you."


"To be honest, I had always dreamt of marrying Jungkook but clearly that didn't work out." After randomly confessing that, she heard a laugh come from behind.

She stood dumbfounded and lost for words. Wrong timing?



This was one cringey chapter but tbh its just for the banter you know. Oh and yes I want to marry Jungkook.

Lmao this was such a random chapter but ey we're at 157k+ reads and geeeeeez there are so many of you guys who are reading this book! Thanks and you're welcome for this random chapter lol which was unnecessary but yaaaa!

PS I have exams within like 3 weeks and I can't update Lucid dreams so sorry for the slow updates. But thanks for 1k reads!

Fancy you x

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