Chapter Ten: The Things you Do

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Chapter Ten: The Things You Do

It was a Saturday afternoon as both Elsa and Anna was watching television. A knock was then heard. The two sisters looked at each other. They weren't expecting visitors.

"I'll get it," volunteered Elsa. Ann nodded and went to the kitchen to get more chocolates.

As Elsa walked to the door, she couldn't stop thinking who was at the other side. As usual, she would think, Please not a kidnapper.

As she opened the door, Jack was there. He gave a smile at Elsa but she kept a straight face.

"What are you doing here?" she asked (and a little bit of hissing).

"I came here to take you on a walk," Jack answered, confidently.

"I'm not a dog!" complained Elsa.

"Never said you were."

"Elsa! Who's at the door?" asked Anna.

" one!" Elsa lied. She then turned to Jack. "Get out of here, now!"

"Nope! No, no, no." He shook his head, frivolously.

"Ugh! Now!" She was now pointing outside to gesture him to get out.

"Elsa, if there's no one at the door, then why are you still there?" asked and shouted Anna from acroos the living room to the porch. Elsa turned away from Jack to answer Anna but couldn't think of an excuse.

"Either you go for a walk with me or we both get busted," Jack whispered at Elsa's ears.

He had a point. Anna would soon come to the door to see what's commotion and they would both get busted. She thought this carefully though. One wrong move could trigger everything.

"Okay," Elsa whispered back. "I'll go."

Jack nodded and had a smile.

"Anna, I'm going to take a walk!" shouted Elsa.

"Okay! Just come back in one piece!"

Then, they both went off. As they both walked at the park, Elsa couldn't help think why Jack dragged her here.

"Why are we here?" asked Elsa.

"Why not here? Did you want to go to prison?"

"No, that's not what I meant."

"So what did you meant?" challenged Jack.

"Why did you drag me here?"

"I didn't dragged you here. You just simply said yes to my question and we're here now!"

She looked at him with a serious face, saying to stop it.

"Ok, ok. I wanted to talk to you about the question."

Elsa groaned and threw her head back.

"Oh yeah. This question is so much harder than 'what's x equals to 6x+20=8x'," Jack said, sarcastically. (A/N: See if you can get the answer.)

"For a matter of fact, it is," stated Elsa.

"Oh come on." Jack nudged her as they walked. "It's not that bad. I'm considering you to say yes."

"And why would I say that?" asked Elsa. Jack leaned down at Elsa at her ears.

"So you can see what makes me a handsome devil," Jack whispered, tickling her ears. Elsa pushed him away with her two hands as Jack gave a chuckle.

Elsa pushed her imaginary bangs away and looked at her left so she can't see Jack. She decided to admire the view instead.

They then decided to stop walking and sat down at a bench.

"Please. Just give it a chance," Jack spoke up suddenly. He wasn't looking at Elsa but she knew it was meant for her.

Elsa looked at him but with a worried look.

"I don't know. I mean, I can't let my friends down and-"

"Same here," Jack interrupted. "But let's just try." He was now looking at her with glinting eyes.

Elsa bit her lip. She thought of this just a few days ago but she still didn't have the answer. Sure she could just risk everything and go with it or she could just play safe.

"I-I'll try," muttered Elsa. Jack's mouth twitched upwards slowly and it was smile. A smile that Elsa hasn't noticed it before.

After that, Jack dropped Elsa off and went home by himself. He couldn't stop smiling. If you can see him, he looks like an idiot. (No offense Jack).

"Oh! 8:00pm tomorrow. And wear casual clothes," reminded Elsa. She nodded as she disappered behind the door.

Jack walked home alone. He got it.


Hiccup, on the other hand, was struggling. He was still stressing about talking to her but being Astrid as she is now isn't easy.

Why did I have to do it? I should've backed away! I should've ducked or just rolled away! But no! I just had to let her, huh?

His hands was pulling his hair. Any minute now, there would be a two bald spots on his hair if he doesn't stop now. He dropped his hands hands to his side and slumped back to his bed. He still had the image of Astrid when she saw it.

Why did I have to do it?


Oooooooohh!!! Jelsa is coming!!


Looks like Hiccup did something REALLY bad!

What did you do Hiccup?

Hiccup: I did nothing!

Me: Lying! I'm the author and I know what you did!

Hiccup: Oh, so you know I had chocolate chip pancakes this morning?

Me: You did?

Hiccup: Oh no. Should not have said that. *runs away*

Me: Come back here! I want that pancake! *runs after him*

Anyway, hope you guys like this! Keep guessing what happened to their past and keep commenting!

I love reading your comments. Just lights up my day.

Peace out!

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