Chapter Twenty Nine: Ask Or Not?

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Chapter Twenty Nine: Ask Or Not?

Should I do it? But won't it affect the friendship Hiccup and I have? But it feels like I need to. It feels like it. I-I just don't know. I don't want to ruin our friendship but I want to do it. I want to step out of that square and take it. I want to run for it and get it before someone takes it away from me. I need it. These thoughts roamed over Jack's head (A/N: Thought it was Astrid eh?) and couldn't get it off. His mind was full of these.

He wanted to ask her. To ask her the next step of their so-called relationship. But how can he? He has to ask permission from Hiccup, who he knows will definitely say no, but it was worth the shot. Right?

Should I? I mean, I do want her but I guess she'll say no since she was back to the girls' group and it is forbidden. But I just want her....

He placed his hands on his forehead, stressed about this situation. He didn't know what to say nor do. Right now, he just wanted to do what he wants to do. But how? Your friends expect you something but you just want to bend it around.

I don't know.


"Come in," Hiccup greeted as Jack was in his doorstep. He came in and slumped down the couch, not caring if that hurted. "What are you doing here?" Hiccup then sat down besides him.

"I need to ask you something," Jack answered, having a serious look.


"What if I dated someone and I want to ask her as a girlfriend?" interrogated Jack as he looked at Hiccup.

"Well, congrats bud!" exclaimed Hiccup. "You found another girl other than...her."

"Not on the cheery side. What if that girl was on the other side of us?"

Hiccup gave a confused look at what he just asked. Other side? What is he talking about?

"Astrid's group..." trailed Hiccup as he looked down. The sound of her name gave Hiccup goosebumps, even the spelling of it does too.

"Yeah," Jack nodded. Hiccup then looked up.

"Then do it."

Jack's head perked up.


"Do it!" encouraged Hiccup. "If you really like her, then I suggest you to do it."

"B-But what about you guys?" asked Jack.

"Hey, if we're your real friends, we would never leave you behind and always agree at what path you choose. It's not up to us to choose your path, it's your choice," Hiccup said in those wise words. He patted Jack's back and stood up. "Good luck." Then, he went away.

But those words echoed through his mind. Which way does he choose? His path or the others?


Swining the double doors open, the five girls came in, catching everyone's attention, including Micheal, Lisa and Veronica. The two (Micheal and Veronica) gave a stern glare and walked away while Lisa nodded at Elsa and, too, walked away with them. Elsa saw them but paid no attention.

Opening their lockers one by one, they started to chat amongst each other. Just then, Merida saw something.

"Jack," Merida gasped. The other girls turned to find a happy Jack.

"H-Hi," Anna waved lightly.

"Hi," Jack greeted.

"What are you doing here?" asked Punzie, tensing up a little.

"Elsa," Jack nodded at her. "A word?"

"Uh...sure," Elsa answered and they both went off, leaving the girls. The three (Anna, Punzie and Merida) gave a questioning look as Astrid had a smirk at what they're going to do.


"What did you want to talk to me?" asked Elsa as they both went in the garden.

"I wanted to ask you something," Jack simply answered in a calm tone. But he wasn't. He wasn't the cool, calm, collected guy you used to know a while ago. He was now covered in sweat and being very nervous.

"About what?" asked Elsa, once again, as they sat down at the bench.

"," Jack said, lacing one of his hands on hers. They then looked at each other's eyes.

"What about us?" She was getting curious by the minute.

"I-I..." he trailed on, having no audible words coming out of his mouth.

Come on, Jack! Man up! You can do this! Come on! Let's do this!

"And why are you all sweaty?" Elsa suddenly asked, observing his face.

"I-I-That's just something," Jack replied with a not calm face now. "Anyway, what I wanted to ask you is..." He bit his lower lip to get ready for the rejection. "Can you be my girlfrien?" he blurted out just like the last time he wanted to ask Elsa out.

Can you be my girlfriend? A question that etched Elsa's mind and left unanswered on her mind. But on her different. Two things telling you what to say. But which one? The heart or the mind?

Looking back at his eyes, she gave a soft smile that reflected on Jack's face. She nodded and saying the one letter word with three letters in it.



Jelsa is freaking here!!!

Someone get me a paper bag or....*dies*

*gets back up*

I'm back....I think....

Anyway, sorry if there's no Hiccstrid but hey, THERE'S JELSA!!!!

But on the next chapter...YOUCH!

Cate to guess what's going to happen?

Anyway, hope you like it!

Peace out!

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