Chapter Forty: A Night To Remember

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Chapter Forty: A Night To Remember

"Just put it up there," Elsa commanded, pointing up just near the vent on the east side of the wall. As Lexie, a member of the commitee, hoisted her arm out with the banner on her hand, she stuck it on the wall with Blutack. "Perfect!"

"I think this is going good!" Punzie complimented. She was voted as the vice president of the commitee so she half took charge of the prom decorations. Half of it.

"It is," Anna nodded, suddenly coming out of nowhere. Soon, the rest of the girls came into the conversation, muttering how this is going well.

The doors then opened to reveal the boys. Well just Hiccup, Kristoff and Flynn. Jack...Jack went to the school early since they wanted him to. Elsa felt heartbroken seeing Jack not with them. She could feel something in her heart...right...there...ouch it hurted her.

Rapunzel just scoffed as they came in. "I don't know why you invited them to help us," she whispered on Elsa's ear. "They know nothing about formal and prom."

Elsa just shook her head, listening to Rapunzel's complaints. "Well, we do needed more help like you said," Elsa remembered, telling her. Punzie just gave a blank stare.

"Whatever," she, again, scoffed.

"Now go and put up the rest of the lights while I get the boys to get the fountain," Elsa commanded, waving to the boys as Anna, Astrid and Merida were already there.

Every step to the boys, the pounding on her heart seemed to grew as Jack wasn't there. She could feel it breaking and shattering here and there. She didn't like it. Not at all.

"Hey," Astrid greeted softly as she saw Elsa's face. Anna and Merida came too to comfort her. The boys saw her.

"Hey Els," Kristoff greeted. "You okay? Sorry about Jack."

Elsa just nodded and gave a weak smile, saying she was just fine. But she wasn't. "I'm fine." A lie. "I'm okay, really." Another lie. "I'm just...good." When does she stop lying?

The doors opened again to reveal Veronica and a sad, sulking Micheal. They waved and went to the group before looking around to admire the view of the soon-to-be-coming prom.

"Hey!" Veronica greeted everyone as Micheal just gave a soft 'hi'.

As Elsa got everyone sorted out how to help, she went off in her own way.

The boys (and I mean all of the boys in the whole commitee) carried the half weight of an elephant which was a fountain. Well, that's what they estimated it weighed. They then brang in the middle of the room, fortunately not inteferring anything.

Merida and Anna were in charge of the food and the deliveries. Well, most of the chocolates were gone when they were delivered because of them muching on them and they needed another batch of it. The tables, which contained a whole lot of food including a chocolate fountain, was set on the east side just besides the main double doors to the event.

Astrid, Rapunzel and Veronica were in charge of the lights. Fairy lights were nearly surrounded the ceiling and they had taped some star lights too since the theme of the prom was 'Starry Night'. They covered every single bit Elsa and Rapunzel told them to and it was better than they imagined.

Elsa and some of the girls on the commitee was doing the tables. They were at the west side that when you went in the completely changed gym, the first thing you see is the tables and the fountain. They were the opposite side of the food section. There were about nearly 35 tables all different sizes. From tables for two to tables for eight. Each table had a white cloth over it and a flower with different colours.

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