Chapter Twenty Six: Something To Know

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Chapter Twenty Six: Something To Know

"Duck!" Jack commanded as he kicked a guy in front of him. Elsa saw the incoming fist at her and ducked.

"Anna! Come on!" Kristoff yelled as they ran.

"But...Punzie!" whined Anna.

"You're injured and we need you to get back up!" argued Kristoff.

Anna hesitated. Either she stay and injure herself more or get back up and take the risk of her sister, cousin and her friends die. With small whines, she went with Kristoff and limped up.

"Hiccup, Flynn!" Kristoff yelled. Soon, the two boys came in running.

"What happened?" Hiccup asked.

"Others...attacking." He gave out words that were needed and that was enough.

Kristoff opened the car door to let Anna in. She sat down and faced sideways, leaning on the seat. Kristoff opened the trunk and took out his first aid kit.

"Where are they now?" asked Flynn.

"Down there," Kristoff replied as he wrapped a bandage around Anna's left ankle carefully. "They're fighting."

"What?!" exclaimed Hiccup. "They're doing what?!"

"Fighting," gasped Kristoff as he took a breath.

"Okay, we need to go in there. Kristoff, stay here and supervise Anna. Flynn and I will go and help the others," commanded Hiccup.

Kristoff only gave a nod as the two boys ran off to find the others fighting. Jack was having a punching session on one guy. Elsa just kicked the guy on the head, nearly being trapped. Merida was doing her taekwondo to two of the guys. But Punzie, Punzie was struggling. Three people ganged up on her, trapped and defenceless.

"Hey!" barked Flynn as he and Hiccup went to it. They punched one guy each while Punzie kicked the guy on the face. Man, her kicks were really high!

"No!" Hiccup heard someone shout. Turning around, he saw a blonde hair girl throwing everything (like chairs and stuff at what she can see or feel) at a guy who was walking towards her.


With no warnings, he gave a punch on the side of the guy's face. The guy stumbled back and it came to Hiccup's vision at who it was.


His face was in anger as he, yet again, punched him in the face. He gave no mercy at this as he shoved him in the ground.

"Don't," Astrid warned as he got in front of Hiccup. "I'll do it."

Walking over, she grabbed a plank of wood out of nowhere and slapped it hard against his stomach. Jordan groaned in pain. She did it again and again as blood started to creep out of Jordan's mouth.

"Astrid! Just...stop," Hiccup said as he snatched the plank of wood away from her hands.

"Okay," she replied softly. "But that's for kidnapping Anna!" She walked away but she had one more thing to do. "And that is for everything else!" And she kicked him where the sun don't shine.


"Glad that's over!" Merida said, wiping her forehead as if saying that she did want it over. Which she did.

"Tell me 'bout it," Punzie agreed, closing her locker. "It was so scary!"

"Ha! I was there for, like, 5 hours and you've been there for about 30 minutes and you were already scared!" exclaimed Anna.

"Hey," Astrid greeted, turning away from the girls and to Elsa. "Thanks for saving, Anna."

"Of course I will! She's my sister!" Elsa said. "I would do anything for her."

"You know..." trailed Astrid. "We didn't exactly excluded you our of our group."

"I know," Elsa cutted in.

"If you want..."

"Thanks but I got some things to do first."

Astrid only nodded and had her face was all happy.

"Oh!" Astrid exclaimed as she walked away. She then turned back to Elsa. "Tell hi to Jack for me and H-Hiccup too."

"I will," promised Elsa.

"So, is she in our group?" Anna asked, hoping that she is.

"She's got things to do first though. But I think she is," answered Astrid. They all gave a smile.

"So...why did Jordan kidnapped Anna?" asked Punzie nodding her head to Anna.

"That's...a long story," Astrid sighed as kept her gaze low. "It's complicated."

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" Merida whined as he collided with one of the other body. She then fell down to the floor. The girls saw this and helped her up.

"Sorry, didn't see you there," a voice apologised. The girls looked up to see a boy about their age and class that has hazel brown eyes with jet black hair.

"I-It's okay," Merida said.

"We're going to go now," Punzie said as the three hurried off.

"Sorry again. I'm new here and I don't know anything about this school, at all," the boy said.

"And I said it's okay. New here huh? Let me see your schedule," Merida said. The boy was did as what he was told. She compared hers with his. "We have the same class now and we have P. E. together!"

"Really? Wow!" exclaimed the boy.

"I can take you to class now because I've got the same thing," Merida offered as they started walking.

"Gee, thanks."

"It's okay. I'm Merida." She took out her hand to shake and the boy shook it.



Eret's here!!!!!!

So...that means...............

Anyway, I've got Instagram! @hicczstrid_perf yep! That's me! Check it out or not.


Looks like you guys got it all right! It was Jordan who kidnapped Anna! Congrats to everyone who guessed it right! You are AWESOME!!

Hope you like it!

Peace out!

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