Bonus: Hiccstrid Memories

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Okay, so this is just a bonus chapter. Will tell you why at the end of this.

But this bonus chapter is just some Hiccstrid flashbacks at the past. But you do not get any hints of the past but the fact that they were dating in the past.

Okay, here it is!


Bonus: Hiccstrid Memories

"Hiccup, no!" exclaimed Astrid as they both ran around the house like children playing tag....well...they are playing tag.

"I'm going to come and get you!" exclaimed Hiccup in a playful tone. He ran after her as he gave a devilish smirk. This made Astrid's knees wobble and gave a smile.

"No, you won't!" shouted Astrid as they both ran and ran around her house. Her mother was gone for the day as they both didn't have school. It was the perfect timing for them to have a time together.

"Well, let's see then," mumbled Hiccup as they still ran.

Astrid panted as she ran around the house, trying not to get caught by the boy. She then stopped at a hallway, on the second floor and looked around, frantically.

Where is that boy? she thought. He could be-

Her trains of thoughts were interrupted when she was abruptly pulled away.

"Ahh!" she screamed out.

Her back was then collided with something soft and fluffy. Opening her eyes, she seemed to find herself on her own bedroom with Hiccup hovering above her with a seductive smile and devilish eyes.

"Looks like Hofferson is down," stated Hiccup in a husky voice. This made Astrid's widen her eyes a bit. She had never heard his voice be like that. His bare hands then went down her skin and unto her waist. He gripped it tightly as he...tickled her!

"No! No! Stop!" Astrid exclaimed, once again, between her laughs. She couldn't stop laughing as Hicup tickled her spot. She was squirming, giggling and they were both having an amazing time.

"Not unless you give up," offered Hiccup as he tickled more which earned a laughter fit from Astrid.

"Never!" she shouted her answer.

"Okay, then." And with that, he tickled her more and more.

"Haha! No!" She still kept on laughing. She then looked up and saw something that would make Hiccup stop tickling her. Reaching her hand out, she grabbed it. "Better...stop...or this...goes...away," she said between her laughter.

Hiccup's eyes roamed up to Astrid's hands and saw one of his precious things on her hands.

"You wouldn't dare," Hiccup said, his tickles going less and less which made Astrid calm down.

"I think I would." She smirked. "Don't you think so, Toothless?" she asked the plushie that was a black dragon with big pupils.

"Okay, then." He cocked his head around the room. Soon, he found something that Astrid would want to give up Toothless. "How about this? Stormfly!" he exclaimed, taking the plushie in his hands.

This made Astrid gasp.

"You wouldn't," she said low. This made Hiccup smirk as he gripped tightly on the dragon with gold and blue so she can't snatch it away from him.

"I think I would," Hiccup repeated his girlfriend. "Don't you think so, Stormfly?"

Astrid swinged her legs to stand up. As she stood up, she took two steps, cautiously to Hiccup; her hand out (the one that doesn't have Toothless) and eyed Hiccup.

"Give her back and I will give Toothless back," offered Astrid.

"I'll give Stormfly back if you give up," Hiccup said.

This made Astrid's hand drop down and eyed a mean (yet playful) stare at Hiccup who was smiling proudly. Clicking an idea unto her head, she dropped her head down, sat down at the edge of her bed and sniffed a sob.

Hiccup's smile dropped into a frown as he saw Astrid's reaction. He slowly walked up to her and sat next to her.

"A-Astrid?" he asked. "You okay?"

"Yeah." She sniffed. "I-I just..."

"I'm sorry," apologised Hiccup and gave a comforting hug to her. Astrid leaned her head on his chest, hearing his heartbeats.




It goes. She snuggled at his hug and wished this could last forever. Just him and her. Hiccup and Astrid. Together. Forever. (A/N: LoL. Anyone know where that came from?)

Looking up, she gave a soft face, staring unto his eyes. Hiccup's eyes roamed down to her and they both stared. They gave no words but they both knew what they were thinking. As they leaned in, their lips met and this made them both be surprised but continued it anyway. They gave each other's kisses back as Astrid's hands went up at his auburn brown hair.

Hiccup's hand was getting softer and was now gripping on her waist instead of the plushie. This made Astrid smirk and quickly grab her plushie. Giving one more passionate kiss on Hiccup, she pulled away and ran to her doorframe.

Hiccup was surprised by her reaction and had a confused face. Facing Astrid, he saw Astrid having the two plushies on her hands. This made Hiccup widen hey eyes and admitted that she was smarter than him.

"Come and get it!" she exclaimed in a sing-song voice. She then ran away. Hiccup gave a smile before he ran after her.

"I'll get more than the plushies," he mumbled.

The whole day was filled with laughters, smiles and kisses. There were no frowns, cries nor sadness as the day was perfect to them. Might sound overrated, but this was one of the best days of their lives. Of course, Hiccup got his Toothless back and Astrid was happy from her victory.


I'm REALLY sorry guys!!! I know I've been like MIW (Missing in Wattpad) for 2 weeks!!! I am so sorry and I just hope you forgive me.

I really am.

The reasons are is that school (you know why) and wifi! It crashed! DAMN YOU WIFI!!! But I still love you!!!

So I had no internet connection to you guys or anything. :/ not cool.

So, did a bonus on this update. The reason is because this special update is today is my birthday! Hooray? September 6. Saying that just in case if you're at September 5 because of the time zones.

Anyway, all of you were asking me to update and now I did! Just a bonus one though about Hiccstrid!

If you're asking what I'm going to do for my B-Day, the girls and I will see HTTYD 2 in a few hours from now...AGAIN! XD.

Anyway, hope you like it!

Peace out!

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