Chapter Thirty Six: A F C H H D B And F

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Chapter Thirty Six: A, F, C, H, H, D, B And F

Nine couples. Nine families. Eighteen people on it. Eighteen people who are either married or having a child. Nine women and nine men. Yet, between them, was a prize that every family craved for. And they were the lucky ones. But they were going to have to be very careful.

"Here's ours," Mr. Corona stated in a stern voice as he pulled out the contract that someone gave him. "I can assure you that we are of them."

"Here's ours," Mr. Haddock stated too as he placed it in his table.

"Good, that's everyone. Nine families, just like boss said," Mrs. Bjogerman nodded. "Welcome everyone."

Everyone greeted each other with either a 'hi' or a 'hello'. They were all at the basement of their boss' company. As saying, they were the chosen ones. The ones that have the most monet in all the world in each family and have the striking company in the world.

The last generation before these families had no heirs so they restarted. For their luck, they were the next ones: the Arendalles, the Frosts, the Hoffersons; the Haddocks, the Dunbrochs, the Coronas; the Bjogermans and the Fitzherberts.

And for their luck, they all had heirs for their company that they can continue this riches throughout. Now, they were ready to meet everyone and can work this out.

"So, I guess we just tell each other what kind of company we have and how we can work this out," Mrs. Fitzherbert suggested in a cheery tone. Everyone just muttered. "We're the Fitzherberts," she started. "My husband and I runs the charities around the world and I just gave birth to my son!"

(A/N: Before we go on, just let me tell you that they don't really run them. Just in case you go 'No, the don't run that!' situation. Okay?)

"We're the Coronas," Mrs. Corona now continued.

"I run the FBI and my little darling here gave birth to my daughter," Mr. Corona finished. His wife only hugged him with a smile.

"That's nice," Mrs. Haddock complimented. "We're the Haddocks. My husband and I runs the communication network. I also gave birth to a son too. He's going to turn two in a few weeks."

"Really?" Mr. Hofferson asked. They only nodded an answer. "We're the Hoffersons and we run a help service all around the world."

"And I gave birth to a daughter and is turning two in a month," Mrs. Hofferson added.

"Hi, we're the Bjogermans," the husband greeted, waving at everyone after clearing his throat. "And we run a TV channel that is a top hit! Oh, my wife here gave birth to my son!" The couple smiled.

"Hello and we're the Dunbrochs," the husband greeted. "And we run the most exclusive restaurant, open in every country."

"I gave birth to a girl and I am pregnant again. Two months into it," the wife added, placing a hand on her stomach who had a little bump.

"Same here," Mr. Arendalle said, placing his hand to his wife's stomach who is now like a ball. "But this little baby is due in two weeks. And we have another one who is turning two in about a month." The couple grinned.

"Hi, we're the Arendalles and we run one of the top notch hotels along with our good friend here, the Frosts!" Mrs. Arendalle cheered, pointing her hand out to the Frosts.

"Hi, as you all know we're the Frosts and we, too, run one of the top notch hotels in the world," Mr. Frost waved. "Also, we have a son who is a little older than Arendalle's first born."

As everyone finished their introduction, they got started to it. Reading their contracts aloud and each of them making promises that they should stick together. Because out there, on the harsh and dark world, would be a big journey for them and for their children. They made an oath that they would stick by each other and that they will never fail at this. They made sure that their children should at least be considered friends so they can get along well when it's their time.

"What about the Khooligans?" Mr. Dunbroch suddenly asked.

The Khooligans were one of family on the last generation. They didn't really play out the money right that's why they were banished from it. They still heard from them but tried to avoid it. Because they all knew that they were going to get back at them and try to take it. Try to take everything.

"I'll defend," Mr. Corona suggested. "I do run an FBI and I'll send you lot bodyguards when you go on business trips."

"Thank you," Mr. Arendalle thanked him. "But don't you think that's a tad much?"

"Not for us," Mrs. Corona now answered. "We gave a promise and we will keep it."

Everyone smile at this and couldn't help feel safe. But they still got to watch their backs just in case.


Years passed as their children grew up to being either beautiful or handsome. Each and every child was dedicated to their parents. Of course, their parents never told them anything about their situation and how they're one of the riches person alive. They couldn't let them be found out to the media and to the Khooligans.

But unfortunately, their enemies found them and they strucked them.

Mr. Frost was the first one down. Everyone grieved at this. Then, second, Mr. Hofferson was next. Whilst as that, the Bjogerman's company was taken down and both of them now have seperate jobs so they can survive; Fitzherbert was both down, they were taken down on their anniversary night. Their son was then taken to an adopted family and they never heard from him. Mr. Corona died, trying to save the Fitzherbert's but his fate was down.

The others were now being targeted one by one. There were now five families left standing tall and they were watching their backs all the time. They needed to protect each other now since they knew they were next. That they could be, too, take down.


And that concludes the book! THE END!!


Nah not really, that's not the end. XD but that is the end of the past and we are now going back to out usual time! Hehe...

So...uh yeah! That is the past and you guys actually got it! So their past was way deeper and unto their parents actually. Wow...never guessed that!

Anyway, a hint on the next chapter: Prom!

Okay that was a big hint and now you guys know what will happen. Whoops!

Do you get the chapter title? A, F, C, H, H, D, B And F? Comment if you know what it means!

Anyway, hope you like it!

Peace out!

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