Chapter Twenty Eight: Back To It

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Chapter Twenty Eight: Back To It

Lunch time. It was about time too. Elsa's stomach was gurgling on her last class and she had to keep it down.

Getting her tray, she turned to overlook the whole cafeteria tables. She passed them with no greetings to other people around and got to her freinds' table. Taking a seat, she greeted them a greeting while they returned nothing, not even an eye contact. Elsa felt their sudden reactions and wanted to ask them why.

"What's wrong?" she asked them as she took a bite out of her sandwhich. But they never gave a word. "Guys..."

She was getting impatient. She didn't like this at all, her friends ignoring her. Just like last time. Sipping her water, she heard something.

"Why don't you go back to your friends?" Micheal mumbled.

"But I am with my friends," replied Elsa as placed her water down.

"No, I mean your friends who insulted Lisa and I's relationship," retorted Micheal.

"They didn't mean it," Elsa said softly, trying to get Micheal calm down.

"Now, you're just defending them!" exclaimed Veronica as she looked to Lisa with help written all over her face. Lisa turned to Elsa who has the same face as Veronica. She was stuck between her friend and her friends.

"I-I-I...." she stuttered as she made no audible words. She didn't know which side to pick. Either her forever bestfriend and her boyfriend or her new friend who she trusted very much on the last couple of weeks. Sighing, she let her head down and not speak at all.

"Why don't you just run away with your little high heels and makeup and go to the popular kids. Let's go," Micheal commanded as he stood up. Veronica did the same and gave a mean glare to Elsa. Their chairs squeaked as they stood up fast.

"Lisa, let's go," Veronica said sternly to Lisa who was still sitting down. She didn't want to leave her since this was done to her before. But she had to go with them. "C'mon."

"I'm coming," she replied softly. She took her bag and slowly stood up. Elsa looked at her with pleading eyes but it never worked. Soon, the three was out of the cafeteria and left Elsa alone.

She sighed at this. This happened before and it happened again. What does she keep doing wrong? Herself? Or the surroundings? Questions started to wander on her mind with no answers to grab unto. No answers.


"I don't know what to do," Elsa said as she walked with Lisa. "Did I do something wrong?" she asked her last friend.

"No, no," answered Lisa. "Well, maybe. It's just, Micheal's overprotective about our relationship and Veronica always despised the popular kids."

"Why?" she asked once again.

"Complicated," Lisa mumbled.

"Why does everyone keep saying the same answer? Whenever I just want to help out, they just say no and say it's complicated!" exclaimed Elsa.

"It's not my reason to tell you. You should ask V instead. It is her business, not mine," assured Lisa as they reached Elsa's porch.

"How? She won't even talk to me," Elsa mumbled the last part.

"You don't know that."

"I know that I'm not your friend anymore," snapped Elsa.

"Hey!" exclaimed Lisa. "Of course you still are. You're a friend that I can trust when I don't have anyone to trust to. Even to V."

"Thanks," she, once again, mumbled. "Want to come in?"

"No thanks," Lisa shaked her head. "I better go."

"Okay," Elsa nodded. "Bye."

"Bye." She waved her hand and went off. Elsa looked at her go and went inside.

In the living room was the girls. They all looked up at her and dragged her to their conversations. They talked like nothing ever happened. Like Elsa was never excluded from their group. Like Jordan never kidnapped Anna. Like Elsa didn't kiss Jack.

The girls were back.



Looks like the girls are back! But Micheal, Lisa and Veronica's friendship with her is broken up.

Sorry if it's short. :/

I know I'm asking a stupid question here but which do you prefer? Elsa with the girls or with Micheal, Lisa and Veronica? No hate please. But your votes won't be affected in the story so it's just an opinionated question.

More questions.

Do you ship Jelsa? Why?

Do you ship Hiccstrid? Why?

Do you ship Kristanna? Why?

Do you ship Eupunzle? Why?

Do you ship Meret? Why?

(P. S. Think of a reason that says instead of they're cute. Because tell me, them ships are awesomely cute together. Try to have a reason why they're perfect together with no them being cute.)

You didn't have to answer those questions but hey! Answer them if you want to!

Oh and one more.

Do you ship Fourtris?

Anyway, hope you like it!

Peace out!

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