Chapter Nineteen: The New And The Old

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Chapter Nineteen: The New And The Old

As the week ended, Elsa was invited to her own house. I know, confusing eh? But Lisa, Veronica and Micheal insisted Elsa to be the host for their 'fun weekend'.

"Come in, come in," Elsa said, gesturing her hand for her new friends to come in.

"Don't mind if we do," Micheal said as he stepped inside with the other two girls.

As they reached the living room, it was occupied. There was the girls. They turned around to see three girls and one boy. All of them gave mean glare as the three girls stood awkwardly and Micheal gave nothing but a blank face.

"Oh! I...uh...didn't...uh we're just going to go," Elsa stuttered as her and her friends went to Elsa's bedroom.

"Well, that was awkward," Veronice said as she plopped herself on the beanbag on the far end corner.

"I know! I can't believe you have to live with that!" Lisa squeaked as she sat down on Elsa's bed. Elsa shrugged and turned to Micheal.

"Why are you still there?" Elsa asked to Micheal who was leaning at her doorway.

"Because this is a girl's bedroom," he answered.

"So? You've been to my bedroom before," Lisa said.

"That was different. This is her bedroom." He gestured his hands to Elsa.

"Well then, no more of this," Elsa teased as she pulled out a drink.

Micheal's eyes widened as he saw his precious drink. His favourite drink. It was called Raging Power. It was an energy drink that only boys can drool over with.

"Fine," he sighed. He went inside and sat next down to Elsa before snatching the drink from Elsa. "You know me so well."

"Why thank you," Elsa teased, bowing. The two girls grinned and Micheal gave a roll of the eyes.

For the past two weeks, Elsa instantly fitted in their little group. She blended in and it looked like they were best friends since kindergarden. Everyone still dispised her but to them, she was their true friend. They've shared thier secrets and their crushes. Their past and what they want to be in the future.

"So, what are we going to do today?" Lisa asked.

"How about we go to the amusement park that just opened?" suggested Veronica.

"Perfect!" Lisa clapped. "Let's go!" She pulled everyone out of Elsa's house and they got inside Micheal's car.

Destination, amusement park.


Elsa got home, eating candy floss and carrying little stuff dolphins.

It was a fun night and Elsa didn't need to worry at all. They had a relaxation time as the same with fun time.

When they got there, Lisa, being an excited person as she is, dragged the three of them to all of the rides and rode them. They payed for food and they played games at the stalls. It was a fun time and no one seemed to ruined it.

Elsa opened the door to and heard her parents. It sounded like they were back from their business trip.

"Mum? Dad?" Elsa called out.

"In here, dear," her dad called out. "Hello!" he greeted as Elsa came to the dining room.

"Hi! You're back?"

"Yes we are," her mum nodded. "Would you call Anna? It's dinnertime." Elsa was left there hanging. She was supposed to get her sister. The sister who won't even talk to her.


As they all ate their food, it was an awkward silence. The only thing you could hear was the cutlery cluttering and them chewing. But the only people chewing was their parents. Anna and Elsa are just playing with their food.

"So, how's school?" their father asked, trying to break the wall of silence.

"It's going good," Elsa muttered.

"How about you, kiddo?" he asked, gesturing to Anna. "Seen any boys yet?"

"George!" their mother said having a warning tone.

"What? I'm jus saying. You know, if you find any boy-" He was cutted off as Anna stormed off, leaving her family without a word. Their parents turned their heads to Elsa who was playing with her food nervously.

"What was that?" asked her mother.

"She's probably stressed about her...exams, yeah. So I better go to sleep. Night!" And with that, she bid her parents goodnight and went upstairs.

She stopped at the front of Anna's door and was about to knock. But she prevented it. She know that she won't talk to her. She went to her bedroom instead and went to sleep, hoping this would end.

Things are complicated now.


Is that short?


And thank you everyone for understanding that I can't put Hiccstrid in now. I have tried but since you're all loyal, I have decided to make a semi chapter about Hiccup and Astrid!

Here it is!


"Hiccup we're are we going?" asked Astrid as Hiccup's hands went over her eyes and is now leading her...somewhere.

"Just trust me," Hiccup said, calmly as ever. They then came to a stop and Hiccup removed his hands from her eyes.

As Astrid's eyes squinted, she gasped. They were at her bedroom and a dress laid in Astrid's bed. She went over and picked it up.

"It's beautiful," Astrid breathed.

"Not as beautiful as you," Hiccup whispered as he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her hair. Astrid put the dress down and turned to Hiccup.

"Thank you."

"I know you had your eyes on that dress for about a month now so I bought it for you," he explained as he played with her hair. Astrid's hand was on his chest.

"You didn't have to do that," she said.

"Well, I wanted to."

And with that, Hiccup captured Astrid's lips and it moved in sync. It was like nothing was going between them. As they both pulled apart, they both gave a smile.

"So how about you wear that"-nodding to the dress-"and I'll pick you up at 8."

"Sounds like a plan!" Astrid sqeuaked. They gave one final kiss before going off.



Now that's it!

Sorry, no more of those I think.

Thank you for reading this!

Hope you like it!

Peace out!

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