Chapter 1: I Betcha You Would've Done The Same

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I drove towards the Gilbert house and gasped as all that remained there was a charred mess. I began to sob profusely, slamming the wheel as the horror sank into my chest. Jeremy was gone and so was my home. Suddenly, there was a large thud on my car and I wiped away my tears, knowing that in Mystic Falls, that was never a good thing. A man jumped onto my car and I cursed before diving out and trying to escape but he grabbed me by the throat and pushed me into a nearby truck. He threw me against the ground and smiled as he opened his mouth to bite me only for him to be pulled away by his jacket.

"Have a care, mate. That's no way to treat a lady." I sighed in relief as I recognised the husky British accent of Klaus. He bit the vampire's neck and the man screamed in pain. He chucked him on the floor and helped me up from the ground.

"Thank you." I said in relief as I wiped away my tears.

"You're welcome." He said comfortingly.

The vampire suddenly got up from the ground, no longer writhing in pain and dashed away into the night.

"What the hell was that?"

"We need to go." Klaus said as he ushered me back in my car. "There might be more."

"Is there a bounty on me or something?" I asked as he began to drive away.

"You made a deal with Fiore. And since that went haywire, she wants your family punished." Klaus told me. "I'll do what I can to protect you."

"Protect me?" I said in confusion. "What is happening?"

"You don't know." Klaus murmured sadly.

"That my baby brother is gone? No, I do know." I said the tears starting to form again.

"He didn't die. He was murdered." Klaus told me. "Your siblings killed Kol. Fiore wants revenge. That means killing Jeremy, killing you and allowing your sister to live without you."

"Kol is dead?" I asked in surprise. "Klaus, I'm sorry."

"A better apology would be telling me everything about the deals you made with Fiore."

~Klaus POV~

"What an unpleasant surprise." Klaus said turning around to see none other than Damon Salvatore making himself comfortable in his home.

"I made a list," The brunette began, waving his piece of paper in the air. "It's called things you suck at. 1. Finding Katherine. 2. Finding Fiore. 3. Finding Fiore and Katherine even when they're together and 4. Hiding Iliana. Where is she?"

The Original laughed and went to pour himself a drink, completely ignoring Damon's stupidity.

"What's so funny?" He asked following him to the counter.

"You want me to help you? Even though you killed my brother and imprisoned me in the Gilbert living room?" Klaus asked him with his eyebrow raised.

"Katherine has the cure, and if I know Katherine, which I do, because she hasn't managed to avoid me for 500 years, then she plans to stuff it down your throat. But I'll make you a deal, you help me find Katherine, I get the cure from her and I give it to Elena. Everyone's a winner. Just let me ask Iliana a few questions about Fiore and Katherine."

"Elijah is the deal maker, not me." Klaus said as he walked past him and sat down on the sofa. "Can't help you mate; Iliana is off limits. Although there was this one vampire that we ran into. It's a shame though, I bit halfway through his neck—I doubt he has time for chatting."

He growled before footsteps came plodding down the stairs. Iliana had heard him and was now going to put herself in danger.

"Damon, wait!" Iliana called as she got to the bottom of the steps. "I want to see my sister."

"Iliana, that is too dangerous. She is not your sister anymore." Klaus warned her but she had her mind set on seeing Elena.

"Let me see Elena and I will answer any questions you have." Iliana told him and the Salvatore smirked in the hybrid's direction.

"Right this way."

~Iliana POV~

Damon dropped me off at the high school where the cheerleading invitational was taking place. I smiled as I thought about what might have been me if I had stayed here. I smiled and waved at my sister whilst Caroline glared at her. The girls got into formation and began to cheer but when they threw Caroline up in the air, Elena moved out of the way on purpose. She looked at Stefan and I, daring us to react. Stefan gave me an apologetic look but I ignored him and followed my sister out to the front of the school.

"I missed you." I confessed. "I came back as soon as I heard about Jeremy."

"Yeah, he died." She told me with a shrug. "It happens. You died, I died. The only difference is Jeremy wasn't smart enough to come back to life."

"Elena, it's me." I told her. "You can talk to me."

"Didn't you get the memo?" She asked with a sigh. "I don't have my humanity on, I don't care, sorry."

"I came all the way back for you because our little brother is dead." I told her. "I'm not gonna give up on you and you shouldn't give up on yourself either."

"Where'd you get that one from," She asked me, texting someone on her phone.

"It's no use Iliana, she's not in there." Stefan said as he joined us.

"Why would you let her do something as stupid as this?" I snapped at him. "This is your fault!"

"I know." He told me sadly.

"Oh boo-hoo, get over it. I wish you would die too." Elena said with a roll of her eyes.

"She doesn't mean that." Stefan told me quickly.

"You're not my mouthpiece Stefan, I can talk for myself." Elena snapped at him before turning back to me. "Look Iliana, just go back to La La Land. You're wasting your time and you look delicious."

"I know this isn't you, Elena." I told her sheepishly. "But I also know there's nothing I can do for you either."

I left and gave Stefan an awkward nod before finding my way back to Klaus' mansion. He looked up at my defeated face and sighed sadly when he saw me walk in. He got up and wrapped me in a tight embrace, comforting me in my defeated state.

"I'll tell you what you want to know, Klaus." I explained.

"Iliana, I am sorry about what happened to your brother." Klaus told me. "If I could have done anything to stop it then—"

"No, don't bother." I told him. "Jeremy killed your brother. And there are consequences. Even though he's my brother and I love him, I can't expect you to not hate him too. And now I need a drink."

A/N: MYSTIC FALL'S VERY OWN CELEBRITY IS BACK BABY! A shame things aren't looking up Iliana and Fiore is currently trying to kill her to tie up loose ends! At least she has Klaus on her side...what is in store for Iliana Gilbert? Keep reading to find out!

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it! If you did, please vote, comment and follow! I always follow active followers! Love you as always! X

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