Chapter 52: All That Glitters Is Not Gold

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~Elijah POV~

Elijah watched over a now sleeping Iliana, hoping that seeing her safe and sound would tamper some of his rage. But it didn't. And it couldn't.

He raced over to Marcel's loft, only to find him and Thierry rejoicing in their victory. He tackled Thierry and threw him against a building before coming face-to-face with Marcel.

"I warned you." He snarled as he lobbed the vampire against a wall. "And still you returned to the French Quarter."

"You gonna kill me, Elijah? Go ahead." Marcel taunted. "But then you won't know what Klaus has got going with that witch in his pocket."

"Oh, whatever shall I do? I suppose I could just ask him." Elijah replied, completely unfazed.

"Yeah. Make sure he tells you all about the secret meetings with the werewolves. That is, if he's still speaking to you once he knows that you killed me." Marcel said smirking now.

"Do you not know me?" He asked as he jammed his fist into Marcel's chest and grabbed his heart.

Thierry jumped up to defend him, but Elijah was unmatched, thrusting his other hand into the young vampire's chest. "For your violation." He told Marcel as he ripped out Thierry's heart. Marcel looked down at his friend devastated whilst Elijah removed his hand from his chest, wiping off the blood.

"Thierry, no." Marcel murmured in shock.

"You live or you die according to my will. Try to remember that." Elijah growled, ready to take on the next person on his hit list.

~Klaus POV~

After the party was unceremoniously shut down by Marcel's vampires, Klaus made a point of finding Genevieve who was grumpily leaving the venue.

"You left without my gift." Klaus told her.

"Your vampires ruined my party." She said scowling at him.

"Not mine anymore, love. Although, Marcel certainly did take a page out of my book for dramatic effect." He told her. "Look, I owed Davina some consolation because I killed her first love. I do try to make up for my wrong doings. As with our little quarrel earlier. I picked it out earlier tonight. A friend of yours gave me a hand."

"What friend was that?" She asked as he gave her the box.

"Open it and you'll find out." She opened the box and saw the severed hands of the witch that she had sent to steal Esther's grimoire. "You didn't really think I would leave my mother's grimoire unprotected?"

"A century ago, I dreamed of what it would be like to know you. Now I'm glad I didn't." She said glaring at the hybrid. "Maybe I was naïve enough to fall for you or fear you but I learned a lot in death. Trust me Klaus Mikaelson, it is you who should be afraid of me."

"Pity. I will miss the sex." He said sarcastically.

"Your friend Cami showed up tonight. Her offering was quite sweet. So, I gave her faith that I would lift Kieran's hex, but there is none. Or if there was, there isn't now." She said smirking at him. "She told me I could do better than you. Perhaps I will take her advice."

"Trust me, if the priest dies, you will follow swiftly after." He shot back angrily, fearing that his plan was now hopeless.

"Is that so?" She said laughing. "It would be foolish of you to kill me, a potential ally, in defence of some powerless human who is, by the way, sleeping with your enemy Marcel."

~Iliana POV~

Once Elijah and Klaus had both left, I headed down to the dungeons where Fiore was sitting, looking the weakest I had ever seen her.

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