Chapter 57: I'll Be There

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"Pardon the interruption." Elijah said as we walked into the shack where Hayley, Eve, Jackson and Oliver were having a discussion.

At first, I didn't understand, but when I saw all the birthing materials, I realised the topic was her labour. I almost took a step back, but then I remembered all the time Elijah had put his needs aside for mine. Time for me to do the same.

"I heard there was an uprising." I added with a false smile. "Where is it?"

"Elijah—" Hayley began.

"You're making a grave mistake." Elijah said with a swift interruption.

"You're worried about us, is that it?" Oliver replied with a scoff.

"Look Elijah," Jackson started, sighing in resignation. "We know all about your brother's reputation, but if there is even a chance that these rings can help us take control of our curse—"

"Our gift." Oliver corrected.

"Then honestly, we don't care what he's really after." Jackson continued with a shrug. "Won't have to."

"How altruistic of you." I muttered, rolling my eyes.

"There are those in the Quarter who will consider this a great provocation." Elijah explained.

"Apparently most of them see us breathing the same way." Oliver shot back.

"You signed a pledge." Elijah told Hayley in disappointment. "You looked me in the eye as you did so."

"We don't want a fight, Elijah." Hayley said tiredly. "We just want a better life."

"So you went to Klaus?" I asked in disbelief.

"You're right." Hayley said with a glare. "Maybe we should've gone to Fiore."

"Don't even—"

I cut myself off at the sound of a motorbike drawing ever nearer. We went to see who it was, with Elijah hiding me behind him and me hiding Hayley behind me.

"What the hell?" Jackson asked as the motorbike man stopped in front of us.

"Who's in charge?"

"Who's asking?"

Before I could even register anything, Elijah leapt onto the man, just as the motorcycle exploded. The rest of us were thrown backwards in the blast.

When I came to, my ears were ringing, but my main concern was Hayley. I glanced in her direction and once I saw that she was being taken care of, I turned to the other injured parties. I took notice of a little boy who was standing next to an even more injured man.

"Hey kiddo, it's okay." I murmured softly as I cradled him in my arms. "I need help over here!"

Jackson came and quickly took the boy away from me as I started to examine the man on the floor. I applied pressure to the bleeding but there wasn't much I could do for the burns.

"Iliana are you—"

"Elijah, I'm fine." I promised him. "He needs help."

Elijah nodded and lifted up the man's shirt, where his skin was covered in chemical and heat burns. He was a borderline goner.

"Wolfsbane." Elijah murmured in disgust.

"It was probably in the gas tank." I muttered. "You're the fastest, you take him and anyone else that needs help walking."

"What about you?"

"I'm okay, I mean it." I assured him. "You want to help people? Here they are. Help them."

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