Chapter 26: The Immovable Object Versus The Unstoppable Force

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"You know, so much has been going on, I kinda forgot that an unstoppable force is coming for me." I said with a dark laugh. "I am a dead woman walking."

"I will never let her hurt you." Elijah assured me as Klaus barked out orders through the phone.

"Any news?" I asked as the hybrid re-joined us.

"We will find her." Klaus promised but I was far more sceptical.

"No, we won't." I said with a shake of my head. "We are talking about a woman who trapped you in a house, who killed my brother, who killed her own father—all for Kol. What do you think she's going to do to me?"

"Fiore is not unreasonable." Elijah insisted. "She won't kill you if she knows about the child. We just have to—"

"Absolutely not." Klaus told the eldest. "Lest you forget, I have been on her hitlist for the past millennium. Should she discover that the child is the product of me as well as Iliana, she'll kill her and be done with it."

"You and I both know that Fiore has a soft spot for the innocent and there is none more innocent than a child." Elijah refuted.

"You are not seriously trying to convince me that you know Fiore better than I do?"

"Well considering how your marriage dissolved, I would say—"

"Wait, what?" Klaus glared at Elijah and I knew he had told the truth. "Fiore is your ex-wife?"

"You didn't tell her?" Elijah asked in disbelief. "Will wonders ever cease with you, brother?"

"But I thought she was with Kol?" I added.

"And how do you think they came to be?" Elijah continued, still locked in a staring match with his brother. "Fiore was Niklaus' first love. How smitten he was."

"Will you shut up?" Klaus snapped.

"No!" I countered. "Continue!"

"What happened between the two of us is none of your business." Klaus retorted, turning to me in anger

"It is if she's coming to kill me!" I shot back. "If she has more than one reason to hate me then—"

"She doesn't." Klaus said definitively with a look I couldn't quite place. "What the two of us had—if we ever had it—is long gone. Fiore loves Kol. She feels nothing but hatred for me now."

"What happened?" I asked tensely.

"I loved her, we were wed, it was lovely." He said with a fondness in his eyes before turning glum. "But I changed when I was turned and Fiore didn't like who I was as a vampire. But she did like Kol. And so she left me for him. Simple."

"I'm sorry to hear that." I murmured.

"Stop pitying me." He warned. "It is your life that is on the line here. We need to find a way to endear her to you."

"I only know of one." Elijah told his brother with a knowing look.

"Marcel." Klaus said with a sigh.

"Marcel?" I asked nervously.

"He was the only person Fiore ever loved more than she loved Kol." Klaus murmured. "You seem worried, I thought you were friends."

"Sort of." I said with a sigh. "By the knows Melody Stone, not Iliana Gilbert."

"Then introduce them." Klaus instructed. "Because it's either that or die."

~Fiore POV~

Upon her return to New Orleans, Fiore had been busy taking the various steps that were necessary for her enacting revenge. But there was still one thing she had yet to accomplish, and to that end, she stood outside the Mikaelson Compound, waiting on him.

"You shouldn't be here." He said with a sigh.

"Don't be such a spoilsport Marcel." She said with a beam. She pulled him in for a tight embrace which he fondly returned. "How I've missed you, My Little Warrior."

"I've missed you too." He said as he pulled away. "But I know you haven't come here for me."

"Unfortunately, no." She confessed with a shrug. "I'm here on business."


"Nothing that affects you, darling, worry not." She assured him.

"Do they know you're here?" He asked to which she nodded in return.

"In fact, they're discussing my return as we speak." She said with a wide smirk. "They have no idea what they are in for."

"Fiore, this is not a good time." Marcel told her. "Klaus and I are on sort of good terms. Even me and Elijah. And I—"

"For how long?" She asked with a roll of her eyes. "This is how it starts."

"I am not a little kid anymore."

"Regardless of age, Mikaelsons have no loyalty." Fiore snapped. "Because I was on good terms with Klaus and then he betrayed me. How long till he does the same to you?"

Marcel refused to meet Fiore's eyes, but she had known that family long enough to understand what that meant.

"So he already has." She muttered bitterly.

"But I don't want to continue this cycle of unnecessary revenge." He told her. "Please, just—"

"No." Fiore interrupted. "Kol is dead because of them."

"And I am sorry but—"

"Oh spare me, Marcellus." The Enigma said with a roll of her eyes. "You hated Kol."

"But I know how much you loved him."

"I have no interest in throwaway sympathies." She told him. "What I want is justice. And I will exact it in whatever way necessary."


"Goodnight Marcellus."

A/N: Sorry for the long wait! Hope you enjoy and thanks for staying with me! Love you as always! X

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