Chapter 29: State Your Name And Purpose

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The next day, I had sat in the courtyard, surrounded by a swarm of vampires, all of whom were waiting on Klaus. Marcel walked down the steps with a bottle of bourbon in his hands before sitting down at a table by himself.

My instinct was to sit by him, but when I saw Diego go towards him, I decided against it, instead biding my time before joining him.

The vampires were becoming increasingly restless when Klaus entered with Thierry at his side. I frowned in his direction, but he gave me a reassuring look that told me he knew what he was doing.

"Your attention please, dearest brethren." Klaus began. "No doubt, you're all surprised to see Thierry Vanchure, who's supposed to be rotting in the Garden for the crime of killing one of our own. After counsel with my darling paramour, I've decided to issue him with a pardon, as a gift to you all—Marcel in particular. I hope you'll all welcome home Thierry." Marcel looked up at me in confusion and I shot him a warm smile. He looked at me questioningly before turning back to Klaus.

"You're in a good mood." Marcel said with a frown. "And here I thought Fiore's return would've put a damper on things."

Klaus scowled before covering it up with a tight smile. "Well as much as I would like to engage in one of her cat and mouse games, I have much more pressing responsibilities. Now as many of you know Davina is, in fact, no longer with us. Which means we no longer have the ability to monitor the activity of our unfriendly neighbourhood witches but since their harvest failed, it means that very soon now their magic will be lost forever. Until that time comes, let's keep them on their toes, shall we? Diego, would you like to lead a cauldron roust?"

Diego smiled and the other vampires cheered. They started to plan together and work out fun little strategies for their little bullying party. I rolled my eyes as they all celebrated but I knew that Klaus was working on keeping Fiore placated, which meant I should probably go along with his plan. Apparently, it worked as Marcel took a bottle of scotch with him and made his way to the door.

"I had hoped you'd join Diego and friends in the rousting of the witches." Klaus told Marcel.

"No thanks. I'm taking a personal day."

Marcel stormed off and Klaus started after him, but I stopped him.

"Let me." I insisted.

"You don't know Marcel like I do." Klaus rejected.

"You are the one who said I have to get him to like me." I muttered under my breath. "This is my chance."

He seemed reluctant but eventually nodded in agreement. "Be subtle."

I wandered through the compound before finding Marcel sat in a room by himself, still swigging straight from the bottle.

"Man, I envy you." I told him. He looked up at me and groaned in discontentment. "Do you think an impossible baby is immune to alcohol poisoning?"

"Funny." He murmured with a stern gaze that made it clear he did not find it funny at all. "So is Klaus trying to use you to cheer me up, or me to cheer you up?"

"What do you mean?"

"So you to cheer me up, good to know." He muttered bitterly.

"I still don't get it."

"You know, you're a very good liar." He began. "But I know you didn't convince him to let out Thierry, Rebekah did. What I don't know is why he wants you on my good side."

"So this is what it's come to?" Klaus said, clearly not trusting me to find a way out with Marcel. "I bear the full weight of our kingdom while you pout like a child."

"Don't push me right now!" Marcel snapped, glaring at his sire.

"Look, I am sorry that Davina is gone." Klaus told him. "But this mournful attitude is unworthy of you and boring to me."

"And we wouldn't want you to be bored now, would we?" I muttered, causing Klaus to turn his attention to me.

"Don't you start!"

"Hey guys." We were cut off by Diego entering with a concerned look. "We got a problem."

He led us into the courtyard where there were two dead bodies, a magical symbol carved into their heads. I turned to Klaus, who had gone pale at the sight of it.

"We went to mess with the witches, like you said." Diego began. "And these two went missing. When we found em, they were like this, not even staked, just dead."

"And another two bite the dust." Marcel said bitterly. "Nice job, Captain."

Marcel headed out of the courtyard when Klaus called out to him.

"Where are you going?" The hybrid yelled. "Someone has to answer for this!"

"You want revenge, get it yourself. That mark is tied to some bad mojo." He waved before heading out once and for all.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, comment and follow!

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