Chapter 7: I Know This Much Isn't True

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"Where's Elijah?" I asked Klaus who stood on his balcony, overlooking the French Quarter.

"He left." Klaus replied nonchalantly. "So much for the noble brother."

"You don't really expect me to believe that do you?" I asked him sceptically.

"You mean the truth?" He told me with a scoff. "Because there's not much else I can do besides tell you the facts."

"And you take pride in being a factual guy, don't you?" I muttered. "Tell me where he is."

"I don't know where he is!" He snapped, finally turning to face me. "He left. He left me, he left you. Whether you like it or not, Elijah is a vampire, same as myself. There is not much to be done about it."

"He's not just any vampire. Neither are you." I continued as I stalked up to him. "Which is why I don't believe a word you are saying right now. Tell me what you've done to Elijah."

"Are you accusing me of something?" He asked with narrowed eyes.

"Yes. Yes I am." I answered. "And if you're just gonna lie to me about it then I guess that's your choice. The same way it's my choice to disassociate myself with you for as long as you choose to do so."

I turned away from him and walked right out of the house, knowing that he was too proud to call after me. I went back to my own home, only to hear shouting coming my way.

"MELODY! MELODY! MELODY!" I turned around to see Hayley storming up to me with a glare. "You lying bitch!"

"Hello to you too, Hayley." I said with a roll of my eyes. "What do you want?"

"The truth." She snapped.

"You and me both."

"You told me that my family was here. There's not a single trace of them." She insisted. "You lied."

"I didn't." I shot back. "In fact, I gave you Fiore's files that I risked my life to get! She's not hunting you down, wish I could say the same. In fact, it's like she doesn't care about you at all."

"Because she doesn't." She huffed. "She won't even answer my messages anymore. I did what I was supposed to do, and I serve no purpose anymore."

"I'm sorry, Hayley, I really am. But I don't have anything else for you." I told her honestly. "You could be me. I have a dead brother, a sister on a suicide mission, an omnipotent being who wants to kill me and a mythical hybrid baby."

"Wait, what?" She said in confusion. "A baby? Your pregnant? By a hybrid?"

"Not just any hybrid. Klaus Mikaelson." I said as she looked at me in disbelief. "Crazy, I know. Please don't spread this, I know my career is going down the toilet, but at the very least, I want to put it off for as long as humanly possible."

"You know, I think I might know someone who can help you." She told me. "A supernatural manager."

"Um, what?" I asked. "Those exist?"

"I know where to look." She replied with a smirk. "But my intel is gonna cost you."

"Well then it's a good thing I'm made of money." I said with a winning grin. "What do you need?"

"Enough money to buy a house and to live off it." She answered, and my grin only widened.

"I can do you one better."


I walked into the house with Hayley in tow who looked around in awe. "Woah. Can Klaus knock me up?"

"Not funny." I said as she chuckled at my misery.

"Who is this?" Klaus asked as he appeared in front of Hayley, cautiously examining her. I rolled my eyes and shrugged which only seemed to anger him even more. "Still not speaking to me, I see."

"Come on Hayley, I'll have a room made up for you." I told her as I attempted to walk up the stairs.

"She's not staying here." Klaus told me. "Lest you forget, this is my house."

"Any particular room colour you would like?" I asked my new friend, completely ignoring anything Klaus had to say.

"I don't like this at all." Hayley said, clearly uncomfortable being in the middle of the row Klaus and I were having.

He smirked and looked at Hayley with a look I was immediately worried about. "Maybe I won't hurt you, but I will hurt your friend."

He took hold of her arm and forcibly bent it around her back and I glared at him as he simply smirked back at me in satisfaction. Hayley cried out in pain and I knew if I let him do this, this is how the rest of this life would be.

"I am carrying your child." I told him. "And if you hurt my friend, I promise you I will walk out of here and out of your life. Forever."

He held my stare for a moment but once he saw I was being serious, he growled and let go of her. Hayley shot me a grateful look and I looked back at her apologetically.

"You can go choose a room now."

"She isn't allowed to leave here." Klaus muttered, and I turned to him exasperation.

"She's not five, you can't control what she can and can't do!" I snapped.

"It is for her own good!" He shot back. "Wolves aren't allowed in the quarter. They'll kill her."

"Oh." I murmured, calming down as Hayley went up the stairs. "Thanks."

"I'm not completely evil." He said with a sigh.

"No, you're not." I replied. "You're not evil at all. You just do bad things. But so does everyone else."

"Then why are you angry at me and not everyone else?" He asked in exasperation.

"Because everyone else hasn't done something to their supportive brother." I answered. He looked away from me and I rolled my eyes before starting up the stairs. "You know, I can see that you want to be better for me and your child, I can see that. And I want this baby to have a better life than I did. Than you did. But it's not gonna happen if you lie to me. Because I won't stand for it. Especially when I know how much better you can be."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! If you did, please vote, comment and follow! Love you as always! X

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