Chapter 42: Deception

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"Oh good, you're awake, I've decided what I'm going to do with you."

The Mikaelson siblings looked up at their captor with bitter eyes as the unfeeling Enigma looked down at them.

"What did you do?" Klaus asked through gritted teeth.

"I snapped your necks and trapped you here." She answered with a shrug.

"Fiore, let us go at once!" Elijah demanded, causing Fiore to let out a sadistic chuckle.

"Patience is a virtue, Lijah." The Enigma grinned.

"And what would you know about virtue, you psychotic bitch?" Rebekah snapped.

Fiore's playful demeanour disappeared in an instant, replaced by an angered stare. Her fist clenched and Rebekah felt her throat close up and began to choke for air.

"Becky, you have been on my last nerve for a very long time, don't make me do something we'll both regret, hm?"

Rebekah nodded and Fiore relinquished her hold on her, becoming playful once more.

"Great, now if there are no more interruptions...?" She was met with silence and used that as a chance to continue. "You three, are a group of people tied together by a bloodline and a meaningless motto. Left to your own devices you will destroy the city my son calls home and in turn destroy him. I won't have that. Now Sabine-leste's spell ends at the next moon rise. Meaning you have 8 hours to sort yourselves out."

"Or what?" Klaus asked hesitantly.

"Or I will." Fiore answered with a dark gaze. "And you won't like what happens if I do."

She flicked her wrist and the supernatural hold on Rebekah was released.

"Go on Becky, I'll give you a head start."

Rebekah glanced at Elijah before dashing away.

"I will find her." Klaus warned.

"See if I care." Fiore shrugged, before releasing the other two. "Happy Hunting boys."

~Klaus POV~

Klaus was in a standoff with his older brother, clutching the white oak stake in his hand with a tight grip. Elijah held Tunde's blade in his hand, but Klaus knew how to play his brother better than anyone else.

"I am asking you, brother to brother, end this nonsense now." Elijah beseeched.

"You would side with that traitor." Klaus said, rolling his eyes.

"I'm not choosing sides, but you cannot hurt our sister." Elijah rebuked, blocking his younger brother's path.

"We cannot leave this cemetery, Elijah. How long do you think you can defend her?" Klaus asked with a smirk.

"As long as it takes, by whatever means necessary."

~Cami POV~

Cami arrived at the attic of the church to check up on the newly resurrected Davina at Marcel's request. Davina sat up in her bed looking dishevelled and disoriented.

"Davina?" Cami rushed to her bed and hugged her. "Marcel told me you were up here; I came to check up on you. Do you wanna tell me what happened?"

"I died, Cami!" Davina wept. "And at first, I was alone, but then I heard them. Voices, whispering to me. The ancestors. They're so angry with me. I used my power against my own, and they said they'd do horrible things to me if I misuse my magic again."

~Marcel POV~

"So, a century ago, you betrayed Klaus, the most dangerous vampire in history, and the only one that can save you is the girl that you had locked up in my attic. But, she's a basket case. So really, your only hope is my niece, psychoanalyst to resurrected teen witches. Does that about sum it up?" Kieran asked sarcastically as he and Marcel stood in the church.

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