Chapter 61: Friends That Floor Cry Together

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"Joint nightmares about your psycho dad. Kinky." I joked as we entered the voodoo shop to wait for Genevieve.

"Not funny." Elijah scolded.

"It was a little funny." Klaus said with a shrug.

"I hate recon missions." I told them. "Why can't you just go in and—"

Elijah used a hand to cover my mouth whilst Klaus disappeared further into the shop. She'd arrived.

"You disappeared from the party." She said, smiling and playing with her hair. Ugh.

"Care to explain why you would choose to torment us with visions of our father?" Elijah asked her in annoyance.

"I kinda thought we'd be in hiding for longer, I definitely enjoy this more." I said with a smirk as Genevieve panicked in front of my very eyes.

"Your father?" Genevieve asked with a completely shocked expression as she turned to face Elijah. "I didn't. I wouldn't!"

"Of course, how silly of you two!" I replied. "It must have been that other witch that paraded through our house half-naked."

"I know how talented you are with your tongue. Might I recommend you use it to provide answers? I would hate to tear it from your mouth if it continues to be useless." Klaus threatened.

"As much as I enjoy these repeated accusations of wrongdoings, I don't know what you're talking about. But, if you've both been seeing your dead father, I can try to get you answers." She told them. Elijah just rolled his eyes and grabbed her by the neck and throttled her.

"Elijah, let go." Klaus instructed.

"Are you insane?" He asked his younger brother.

"I said, let her go." He reluctantly dropped her and glared at his brother whilst Genevieve smirked in my direction. "Go."

Elijah and I both turned to him confused by his actions as she headed for the door.

"Explain yourself Niklaus." Elijah said folding his arms in anger.

"Yeah, what the hell Klaus?"

"You don't trust her, and you're right not to. Only a fool would. But she certainly wants us to, doesn't she?" He told us.

"What's in it for you?" I asked, looking intently at him.

"You learn quickly, Iliana, Niklaus never does anything unless there's something of benefit to him." Elijah said, unimpressed by his brother.

"I need a witch to help make those rings for the wolves. Perhaps we'll get both answers and cooperation?"

~Cami POV~

"So Klaus gives you twenty-four hours in the Quarter, and you're spending it coffin-sitting with me?" Cami asked Marcel as the two sat drinking by Kieran's coffin. "No preparations for war, no chess pieces to move?"

"We're honouring Kieran. Even us bad guys can take the night off." Marcel said with a chuckle.

"Maybe you can. Not all the humans are on their best behaviour. Francesca Correra cornered me earlier, asking for some key." Cami said with a shake of her head, somewhat longing for the days of past.

"What key?" Marcel asked her.

"Doesn't matter. I don't have it." She said before processing what he had said to her. "But you already know that, don't you? Or you wouldn't have asked what key."

Marcel watched sheepishly as he was caught red handed before sighing and retrieved the key from around his neck.

"I had Josh lift it for me."

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