Chapter 33: What Goes Around...

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The church was decorated beautifully, and Father Kieran was beaming from ear to ear. It had been a while since the church was open to visitors, ever since the massacre occurred. Klaus, Marcel and I sat down in the pews, Klaus in between Marcel and I, at Marcel's insistence.

We had seemed to be getting along just fine until he suddenly switched. His reluctance to be around me had made Klaus concerned, which meant the security surrounding me had only increased. I had only managed to convince him to let me come today by promising to stay glued to his side at any given second in time.

"Thank you all for coming." Father Kieran began. "It means more than I can tell you. We gather today for the first public service of our newly reopened church. St. Anne's can finally once again be the heart of our community, where we can congregate as a people united. Here, this hour, we come together to praise God and give thanks. The events that took place at our church were tragic."

Marcel seemed almost as bored by the service as I was, so I made a funny face at him, hoping to get back in his good graces, but his gaze was locked on someone else. I turned to see him staring at an unfamiliar redhead in one of the opposite pews.

"Problem?" Klaus snapped, frowning between the two of us.

"No." Marcel answered quickly.

"Then pay attention." The hybrid scolded. "We're supposed to be devoted parishioners."

"...and it is that hope in our hearts, and with the help of many benefactors, that allows us to be here today. So, we gather with renewed spirit, made stronger, committed to the ideals of peace and love. Amen."


Once the service came to a close, Klaus led me outside, gripping onto my arm for dear life. I swatted at his hand, but he barely even registered the touch.

"Klaus, let go."

"Fiore could be anywhere; we have to remain vigilant." Klaus muttered quietly. "I don't want her to hurt you."

"The only person hurting me right now is you." I countered, causing him to sigh and loosen his hold.

Father Kieran had come outside and was greeting the church goers with smiles and other pleasantries. Marcel was clearly still looking for the girl from before, but now Klaus was leading us towards him, shifting his siree's focus.

"The sermon was lovely Father, very inspirational." Klaus began.

"I didn't think you would be joining us." Kieran replied with a wary look.

"We were hoping for some information on our missing killer witch." Klaus explained with a serious look.

"My guys have their ears on the ground. No one has seen or heard any sign of whatever his name is." Kieran said quietly.

"He's called Papa Tunde, and he's dilly-dallying around the Quarter with the power of every soul I had buried in the Garden. So I would suggest you keep your ears much closer to the ground." Marcel warned.

"That's one idea." The priest said, pretending to think about it. "Another idea is that I stay as far away as possible from whatever war you guys are involved in before I—"

"I came to congratulate you on getting the church up and running." Cami said as she strode up to the four of us and addressed her uncle. "I can see this is a bad time though. Nice to see you Marcel, Melody you are positively glowing."

She glared at Klaus with a fierce intensity before storming away from us in anger. Her Uncle turned to Klaus who shrugged in indifference.

"Cami!" Kieran called out, glaring at Klaus.

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