Chapter 45: Deal Or No Deal

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~Klaus POV~

"They say the passage of time will heal all wounds. But, the greater the loss, the deeper the cut, and the more difficult the process to become whole again. The pain may fade, but scars serve as a reminder of our suffering, and make the bearer all the more resolved never to be wounded again. So, as time moves along, we get lost in distractions. Act out in frustration. React with aggression. Give in to anger. And, all the while, we plot and plan as we wait to grow stronger, and before we know it, the time passes. We are healed. Ready to begin anew." Klaus told the witch.

"Spoken like a man who's made peace with his demons." Genevieve lay on the couch in lingerie whilst Klaus buttoned up his shirt and smirked.

"All my demons are dead or chased off." He said, still buttoning.

"Apart from the one lingering monster with whom you apparently share a bed with now." Elijah said as he held out her shoes. "I trust you can find your clothing and the door."

The witch rolled her eyes but nonetheless took her shoes and left the compound.

"You do recall that woman tortured our sister?" Elijah asked his brother.

"She also revealed the truth about Rebekah's treachery." He said shrugging.

"And as a consequence Rebekah is gone forever." Elijah replied sadly.

"A desire which she apparently harboured for quite some time now." Klaus had said nonchalantly.

"Niklaus, it has been a month. Now, I feel our sister's loss as deeply as you. But you must stop distracting yourself with this ridiculous behaviour and channel it into some kind of action." Elijah pushed.

"Why is that exactly?" Klaus asked his brother as he returned to his art.

"Because over the course of Marcel's tenure, the city grew accustomed to having a king. You wanted this throne. Now, you must accept the responsibility that accompanies that." Klaus ignored Elijah and just continued painting, drowning him completely out.

"Apologies, dearest Elijah but as you can see, I'm rather ensconced in other pursuits." Klaus replied.

Elijah grew impatient with Klaus and snatched the paintbrush from him to his brother's irritation. "If you can so easily neglect your home, I wonder what will become of your daughter. Have you forgotten what it was like to live beneath the threat of violence? We must work together, Niklaus. Let's make this city whole again, like we did before."

"Maybe it's too broken to mend." Klaus replied.

"If you won't do anything, then I will." Elijah told him stopping in the door. "I wonder what Iliana thinks of all this."

"Now you show concern for myself and Iliana." Klaus countered with a roll of his eyes. "One falling out and you revert to this. I'd be impressed at the quick turnaround if I wasn't so embarrassed for you."

"Niklaus, I made a choice." Elijah told him. "One that I am happy to stand by. At the very least, you could do me the courtesy of not letting me regret it."

~Iliana POV~

It'd been a month since I'd had a proper conversation with Klaus or Elijah and with Hayley officially in the Bayou, I had formed the most unlikely of friendships.

"Doesn't that bother you?" Fiore asked me weakly. She sat in her little binding circle with a pained gaze, each movement of her mouth causing her agony from the blade effects.

"You mean Klaus and his new sex buddy?" I muttered bitterly. "Mostly just annoyed that of all people he chose her."

"Typical Klaus." Fiore said with a short chuckle. "He could be having sex with most women in the world and he chooses the redhead that almost had his sister killed."

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