Chapter 15: She's Brave And She's True And She's Somewhere Near You

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"What the—" I murmured in disbelief as I entered the living room where there was a dead lady on the table and Elijah and Klaus were sitting opposite each other reading books. "So, you get your brother back and the first thing you want to do vampire book club? I mean jeez, you guys drink booze like it's tap water and I know I can't drink but I feel like the correct response is a party."

"Reading edifies the mind." Klaus replied with a shrug. "Isn't that right, Elijah?"

"Why yes, it is, Niklaus." Elijah responded calmly.

"Okay, what about the dead chick on the table?" I asked in annoyance.

"This is a...peace offering." Elijah answered.

"Well after so much time laying desiccated in a coffin I thought that my big brother might be peckish." Klaus explained with a sigh.

"And I explained to my little brother that the only forgiveness I offer is one that comes after a change in behaviour. One that shows contrition and personal growth." Elijah said in his usual noble manner. "Not this nonsense."

"And this is where I tap out." I told the two with a roll of my eyes. "I didn't have the strength for you sibling squabbles even before there was a literal human trying to suck the life out of me."

"Well I'll just go get the bin." Rebekah snapped at her tense brothers. "That carpet is 200 years old and your little peace offering is staining it."

~Elijah POV~

Elijah walked into the kitchen to find someone he had never seen before, rifling through his fridge without a care in the world. Clearly she was known to the others, otherwise her carefree demeanour would have been eradicated from her completely.

"Good morning. I believe we haven't met yet. Elijah Mikaelson." The Original introduced, outstretching his hand to her.

"I know who you are." She said with a half glance towards him. "I'm Hayley. A friend of Melo—Iliana's. I'm still not used to calling her that. I used to watch her on TV so finding out my whole life was a lie—very enlightening. But I guess at this point, I should be used to that. And I am talking way too much."

"It's fine." Elijah replied with a chuckle, glad that Iliana had someone to keep her even slightly sane and grounded.

"Hey, I know no one else in this house drinks normal not fancy Gwyneth Paltrow endorsed milk, but would it really kill anyone to just put it on the grocery list even once?" She asked with a huff.

"Speaking of, add bleach." Rebekah interjected as she went back to clean her brother's mess.

"Well I should admit, I am glad that Iliana has you to make this... unexpected journey more pleasant." Elijah confessed.

"The rest of us just call it an unplanned pregnancy but okay." Hayley said with a chuckle. "I'm glad I'm not homeless too."

"Still, I hope my siblings treated you well in my absence."

"They should call you the euphemistic brother because your absence is way too polite of way to say that your brother stabbed you in the heart." She told him. "But your siblings have been fine. To me, but especially Iliana, who I know is the whole reason for this conversation."

"I was genuinely trying to make conversation with a friend of hers." He countered.

"Uh-huh." She said, clearly unconvinced by him. "See you around, 'Lijah."

"It was nice to meet you Hayley. I mean that sincerely."

~Iliana POV~

"Okay, yes, yes I know." I told my manager who was not happy to hear he was being replaced. "I told you Jerry, I just found someone that fits my current needs now. And I don't answer to you anymore. I really wished you would just let this end amicably. I gotta go. Bye now."

I groaned as the phone call came to a close, resting my head down on the dining table in frustration as I continued to deal with the aftermath of my pregnancy. I steeled myself, determined not to cry when I heard Elijah clear his throat.

"Elijah, hey." I muttered as I looked up to face him.

"You're stressed." He said sympathetically as he came to sit beside me. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"You've been gone a while." I told him with a chuckle. "In that time, I missed out on my sister's graduation, my brother came back to life, one of my best friends died, I was attacked by witches and nearly murdered all in the name of keeping me from having my Satan daughter who has also lead to me having to fire my management team to get a supernatural one. But at least, I'm in one piece, right?"

"Always look on the bright side." He said with a smile that made me chuckle. "But I do have some concerns about the murderous witches."

"They're evil." I told him. "And my life is still linked to Sophie which is not inspiring any confidence."

"I think it's time we took care of that problem." He confessed.

"I am all for it." Rebekah said as she passed through, dragging the dead body behind her. "As soon as they're unlinked, we get to leave this crap town. Who do we have to kill?"

"Probably no one." I sniggered at Elijah's response as we all clearly knew that was impossible. He rolled his eyes and sighed before his lips eventually turned up into a smirk. "Alright... potentially everyone."

~Klaus POV~

"Poor Nikky, reading poetry about poisoned apples from a dead tree?" Rebekah asked with a laugh as she scrubbed the bloodstains on the floor, whilst Iliana painted her nails absent-mindedly. "Is someone worried about his impending daddy-hood?"

"Absolute nonsense, Rebekah." Klaus said shaking his head jokingly. "How could I be with Elijah back home? In the presence of the perpetually noble Elijah all problems turn into pixie dust and simply float away." The three of them giggled at Elijah's expense until the oldest Mikaelson came back in with an irritated look.

"I don't recall any pixie dust from the dark coffin I was recently forced to endure." He said as he straightened out his already pristine suit.

"Why do you have Mother's spell book?" Rebekah asked him quickly, covering for Klaus.

"In exchange for my freedom, I promised Davina that I would share a few pages from Mother's grimoire to help her understand how to control her powers. Starting with an unlinking spell." Elijah spoke in his usual manner but with a glimmer of deviousness in his eyes, much to the delight of both Klaus and Iliana.

"You want her to unlink Sophie and Iliana?" Rebekah said stunned.

"Oh my gosh finally!" Iliana said in excitement. "If I had known you'd be this quick in solving my problems, I'd have taken you back myself."


"Sophie brought us here under false pretences!" Elijah snapped at his sister. "She doesn't just want us to take down Marcel and his minions, she wants to take Davina back. So, she yoked her own cause to ours with magic threats and half-truths! Well, no more. As of now, our deal with Sophie Deveraux is null and void." The remaining three seemed excited but more concerned that Elijah was taking the reins. "Niklaus, you will come with me. I need a few minutes alone with Davina and you will ensure we are not interrupted. Rebekah, you stay and watch Iliana and her friend." He left and didn't even wait for a response from any of them.

"Why the bloody hell am I super-nanny?" Rebekah complained.

"Would you rather be the super-baby?" Iliana mumbled unappreciatively.

"Better question." Klaus said as he put on his jacket. "Who put him in charge?"

"I heard Super Nanny." Hayley said as she poked her head inside. "—are we watching it?"

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, comment and follow if you did! Love you as always! Until next time! X

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