Chapter 56: Someone To Save You

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~Klaus POV~

Klaus had spent the morning rifling through the studies trying to find his mother's grimoires. At first he thought maybe the witches had succeeded in stealing it from their home but after their last attempt ended with him relieving a rather large, tattooed gentleman of his hands, he began to wonder if the thief wasn't a bit closer to home—Elijah.

"Can I help you find something, brother?" Elijah asked as he entered the study and sat down at his desk, on the opposite side of the room.

"Yes, in fact, I believe you can. I'm looking for a book, bigger than an ant, smaller than a bus, filled with our mother's most powerful spells. It appears to have vanished." Klaus told his brother, momentarily pausing his search.

"How very mysterious." Iliana said as she sat down on Elijah's desk.

"How very mysterious indeed." His brother added with a smirk.

"You two are allying together?" Klaus asked with a roll of his eyes. "How insufferably predictable."

"Who better to take you down than the people who know you best?" Iliana replied with a shrug.

"You're making this harder than it needs to be." Klaus said through his gritted teeth.

"Fine. I hid it." Iliana told him, her hands up in surrender. "I knew your sudden interest in Esther's grimoires had to be related to whatever's going on with you and the Crescent wolves."

"I am simply trying to help those wolves! Play Samaritan to the abused. Champion to the underdog, so to speak."

"How splendidly noble of you." Elijah sarcastically remarked.

"Have you ever considered that I am trying to keep Hayley safe?" Klaus began, paying no mind to Iliana's sudden tensing. "Using our mother's magic to empower her people so they are capable of protecting her? She carries my child now and—"

"Stop." Iliana said firmly.

"If you want to play this game Iliana, you need much thicker skin." Klaus warned.

"You're being a dick."

"Sweetheart, I haven't even begun."

"And yet you're already losing, but I'm pretty sure you're used to that." Iliana began as she made her way towards him. "I mean how many times have you been second choice? Third, fourth? And yet not one gold medal."

"You had better—"

"Even now." Elijah said with a shake of his head as he joined them in the middle of the room. "You cannot help but cause disruption. You risk turning New Orleans into a war zone, brother. I will not let that happen."

"We won't let that happen." Iliana corrected.

"The drums of war were beating long before any of us got here." Klaus snapped. "Maybe you need to keep your ears just a little closer to the ground."

~Cami POV~

"Mmm-mm. No way." Cami told Marcel as they spoke on the phone.

"Cami, Josh told me how bad things have gotten. I should be there for you. Just let me help!" He pleaded.

"How?" She asked with a dry chuckle. "By getting yourself killed? You have a target on your back, Marcel. The last thing I need is for you to get hurt because of me."

"I'm more worried about you. Kieran is dangerous." Marcel continued. "He already got to you once."

"And I'm still standing." She replied. "I got this. You come here, I'll throw you out myself, alright? I mean it."

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