Chapter 2: Some Bad Decisions and a Bottle of Scotch

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I was right on the brink between tipsy and drunk and was now floundering through Klaus' home, much to his amusement. I found my way to his art room and started giggling as I examined his work.

"Klaus, can I tell you something? I don't get most of your paintings." I told him. "I mean is this how you get girls? With me it was tell me about your all too depressing childhood, do you show 'em some paintings? Get 'em far too drunk?"

"I think I'm a lot more charming than that, Iliana." Klaus said with a chuckle. "Although I am certainly enjoying myself."

"And you do whatever you enjoy." I said with a sigh. "Including hunting Tyler for the next century."

"Oh, surely not the next century. Only until I kill him." He said with a smirk.

"I don't believe that." I told him. "I think you're letting Tyler live because if you kill him, I might never forgive you. And I'll be thrown straight into Elijah's arms."

"If I simply killed Tyler, my revenge would be over in a moment. Sentencing him to a lifetime of paranoia and fear—that's Tyler's true punishment. But come now," Klaus said whilst walking towards me. "You don't really think you have that much power over me, do you?"

"I don't know, Klaus." I said with a shrug. "I know a lot of people that would be dead if not for me."

"Speaking of..." Klaus added as he checked on his phone. "According to my sister, your vampire assailant is dead, you're safe and free to go. Or stay."

"I could be persuaded to stay, you know. Enjoy some time in my insane but very eventful home town, be with you." I muttered peacefully.

"So, what's it gonna be then?" Klaus said as he walked towards me with intent. "Going? Or staying?"

"You like to be in control, Klaus. You tell me." I murmured as I inched closer to him. "Going? Or staying?"

He used his hand to brush against my face before pulling me into him. The two of us let out a chuckle before he pulled me in tighter and began to kiss me. I pulled his shirt over his head and he smirked before using his vamp-sped to press me against the table. He ripped my shirt off before moving on to me and laying kisses on my neck as we went around destroying his house in what was unequivocally an enjoyable night.


I woke up and Klaus was staring down at me sadly, fiddling with my hair. I turned to face him with a smile but his face was still forlorn.

"What's wrong?" I asked him with concern.

"You need to leave." He replied with a sad sigh.

"You say the sweetest of things." I muttered bitterly, rolling my eyes as I began to get dressed.

"Not like that." He interjected before pulling me back to face him. "You're not safe here. Fiore will never stop coming for you. And neither will your sister as long as she has her humanity off. You need to leave. You'll be safer away from here, away from me. I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do. But I can plead."

"I don't even know where to go. Jeremy is gone, my sister is basically gone and if I leave here...I'm alone." I told him, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"You are never alone." He took my hands and kissed them, before resting his forehead against mine. "And I promise, when all is said and done, I will ensure that you will always have a place to return to."

"I love you, Klaus." I mumbled.

"I love you, Iliana." He gave me a kiss on the top of my head. He gave me a kiss and for one last time, I turned away and left him.

I drove to the Salvatore Boarding House, ignoring both Stefan and Caroline who were sat in defeat, before finding my way to where my sister was, she was sitting on Damon's bed and rolled her eyes as I entered.

"You're still here, huh?" She said with a sigh.

"Not for long." I replied with a small chuckle. "I'm leaving. I just wanted to say bye."

"Okay, bye." She told me, seemingly irritated.

"I'll miss you."

"I'm sure you will." She said, examining her nails and paying no mind to me. "No, you can't hug me, please just leave."

"Okay." I said with a sad nod before dejectedly walking out of the house only to be stopped by Damon.

"Hey Tweedle-dee, we had a deal." Damon said, tightly grabbing my arm. "Tell me what you know."

"Are you serious right now?" I asked him angrily.

"Hell yeah I am, I wanna save your sister and you're gonna help me with that." He answered casually. "Now what do you know?"

"Katherine helped Fiore get the cure, she planned to be as far away as possible. I guess when Jer killed Kol she tweaked the plan. I have no idea where either of them are though, and I don't know which one of them has the cure." I explained.

"Great, thanks for nothing." He said, rolling his eyes. "I thought you had something useful to offer me."

"I never said that, you just assumed." I said as I shrugged myself out of his grip. "You know what? Thank you, Damon your being such an ass, leaving here won't be so bad. Good luck with my sister or whatever."

And with that I left, knowing that there was only one place that I should be right now. I got into my car, driving and driving as the night turned into morning, knowing there was only one place I could be right now. When I arrived, I parked my car and ran, ignoring the thunderous rain that was now pouring before immediately knocking on the familiar door.

"Melody, what are you doing here?" Cami asked, her eyes completely red, her clothes completely black.

"I'm moving here." I told her. "I wanted to say hi to you and Sean."

"I'm guessing you haven't heard." The blonde said angrily as she stormed out the door.

"Heard what?" I asked following her.

"Nothing much, only that Sean is a mass murderer." She snapped.

"Sean? What? No. There must be some sort of misunderstanding." I told her. "I can help him, just let me talk to him."

"Too bad he's already dead." She continued as her rage intensified.

"Sean is dead?" I mumbled quietly. "Cami, I'm so sorry."

"Sorry about what? That my brother's a murderer? That he copped out of the responsibility and killed himself?" Cami yelled, stopping in the street to turn back to face me. "You know what Melody, maybe you should just leave."

"NO!" I shrieked, shocking Cami. "I lost people too. My brother was murdered, my sister has gone crazy because of it and I'm not even safe. So no, I'm not leaving."

"Melody, I'm sorry." Cami said, seemingly sobered. "I didn't know."

"I know you didn't." I told her. "Are you going to his funeral now?"

"No." She told me. "I'm going to the funeral of his victims."

"I'll come with." I told her. "I think you could use some support."

A/N: Iliana Gilbert takes New Orleans! She is in for one hell of a ride! I hope you enjoyed! If you did, please vote, comment and follow! Love you as always! Until next time! X

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