Chapter 38: A Sister's Love

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~Rebekah POV~

Rebekah walked into the crematorium with a smile. Marcel was waiting there for her to have one of their secret rendezvous. He gave her that wild grin of his and pulled her into his arms tightly, as if he would never let go. They began to kiss, and he pushed her against the wall, taking care to ravish in her. He slid his hands down her legs, but she laughed and flicked it away.

"Have some respect." She told him, still smiling at the man she adored.

"I don't think they'll mind," He countered with a grin. "Did you talk to Genevieve about doing the spell?"

"I will." She murmured sheepishly. "When the time is right, of course."

"Rebekah, you've been hanging around that witch for weeks waiting for the time to be right. She wasn't supposed to become your sidekick." Marcel said impatiently. "One little spell, and we can finally be together for real. What are you waiting for? I can't keep hiding from mother, she'll catch on."

"She's a sweet girl." She said sadly. "I feel bad for using her."

"Then we'll get another witch. Unless you've changed your mind." He said worriedly.

"Never, Marcel." She reassured him as she cupped his face in her hands. "I want to wake up with you in our home, in the bed that we share. I want to walk down the street with you by my side, so everyone knows that you are mine and I am yours. I don't want to be afraid of what my brother will do to me for loving you. If this is the only way to get it, then no, my mind hasn't changed." She kissed him again and Genevieve entered the room, very embarrassed from walking in on the two of them.

"Oh!" She exclaimed, clearly flustered, "I didn't realise anyone was in here, I'm sorry."

~Klaus POV~

"If your great betrayal is Marcel and Rebekah's love life then I hate to break it to you, but they've been doing this for the better half of two centuries." Klaus said, rolling his eyes.

"Despite all your warnings and harsh disciplines." She replied with a shake of her head.

"I had my reasons." He snapped.

"No need to convince me." She said as she placed a damp cloth on his forehead. "As far as I am concerned you only needed one. That it suited you. Ever read the Old Testament Nik? God wasn't powerful because he was right, he was right because he was powerful."

"I don't know what you're playing at, but if the sum total of your plan to turn me against my sister was this revelation, this will have been a wholly ineffective endeavour." He told her in annoyance.

"You poor thing. After a thousand years, dishonesty from your family has come to be expected. I wish that was the sum total of their treachery." She said with a sympathetic smile. "Unfortunately, it's not."

~Rebekah POV~

Rebekah was stumbling about the sanatorium, the effect of the werewolf bite messing with her mind and inducing horrifying hallucinations.

"Rough day?" Rebekah heard Genevieve standing behind her and spun around to face her. "Oh Bex, those bites look like they hurt quite a bit."

"Why make me relive the past?" She asked, unable to steady herself. "We both know how it ends."

"Yes you and I know." She said smiling at her. "But I thought your brother might want to know as well."

"Please, I'll do anything!" She begged.

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