Chapter 13: You've Got The Love

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"Oh, for the love of—Agnes, I am fine!" I snapped at the witch who refused to leave me alone and stop pestering me about the baby.

"You are overdue for a check-up." She insisted.

"Oh, okay then." I said with a fake smile. "Let's just pop into the Quarter for a quick ultrasound. A pregnant teen celebrity escorted by a witch, nothing to see here, just business as usual."

"A lot of women would kill to have a child." Rebekah scolded. "It strikes me as odd that you're not taking better care of yours."

"It makes a lot more sense when you realise kids were never in the plan and even if they were it would not be at 18." I shot back. "My parents are probably rolling in their graves. All four of them."

"I know of a doctor in the Bayou." Agnes interjected. "Off the beaten path. Now, I took the liberty of making an appointment for you. Tonight, after-hours, just us. No one will ever get word of it."

I was still reluctant but the dismayed look on Rebekah's face made it clear to me that I was doing more harm than good.

"Whatever." I groaned with a roll of my eyes. "Bayou baby doctor it is."

The drive to the doctors was long and unending with day turning to night upon our arrival. Once I had gotten there, I already felt nervous.

I was incredibly dark, with the ominous sound of owls hooting in the background. The clinic itself left something to be desired and I was definitely regretting coming here on my own.

"This is the doctor's office?" I asked suspiciously.

"Dr. Paige is only this far out because Marcel's men kept terrorising her patients." Agnes replied with an encouraging smile. "Go! She won't bite!"


~Elijah POV~

"What the bloody hell?" Elijah approached his shocked sister who was dressed in very time period appropriate clothing.

"Rebekah, please mind your language." He said, smiling as she ran up to embrace him.

"Elijah, how I've missed you!" She exclaimed, before looking around the rest of the town. "What is all this?"

"You don't remember when we went to the opera house together? Your first full day after Klaus removed the dagger from you."

"Are you awake?" His sister asked.

"Somewhat. Davina removed the dagger, she was unaware that doing so even once would lessen the daggers effect." Elijah told his sister, smiling. "In a few hours I shall be right as rain."

"Great! Then stop this fantasy land and I'll get you out."

"Sorry Rebekah." He said pouring a drink from them both as he did on that day. "I want to find out more about Davina. I want to propose a truce of some kind. If we end this war between the witches and the vampires, then we can eliminate the threat to Iliana and her child. Then Niklaus and our family can know peace."

"And I suppose I should take up knitting in the meantime?"

"I think your time would be better spent taking care of Iliana and the baby." Elijah told his younger sister. "She is our family now, therefore her and her unborn child fall under our protection. Swear to me, Rebekah."

"I swear." She said earnestly.

~Iliana POV~

"Your baby's heart rate is perfect." Dr Paige told me as she performed the ultrasound, a great smile on her face.

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