Chapter 49: All Out In The Open

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"You were right." I began to her surprise. "I wasn't mad at you; I was mad at myself. Because I know that if I was just brave enough to tell them both the truth, we wouldn't be in this situation. I don't want to be in a fight with you because of a stupid boy."

"Me neither." She said with a sigh. "You've been there for me when you didn't have to. And I don't want to lose that."

"Exactly!" I said before taking her hand and squeezing tightly. "So let's agree that no matter what happens, we stay friends. We don't have to let this affect us."


Hayley smiled fondly and I reciprocated before being brought into a body-crushing hug by the wolf.

"Woah, woah, watch it, baby on board!" I reminded, causing her to loosen her grip with a laugh.

"Right, sorry." The smile left her lips for a moment and her look turned pensive. "So...does that mean you have chosen?"

"It doesn't matter." I told her dismissively. "Honestly, I think it's best for everyone if I just don't say anything."

~Cami POV~

Cami was alone in her apartment and reminiscing about the time she had spent with her uncle. She was making herself another drink when she heard a noise that startled her.

"Easy, easy." Marcel said holding up his hands in the air. She sighed, knowing it was just Marcel.

"Julep? Minus the mint and sugar?" She said, offering him her drink. He took the drink but started to look at her with concern. He had obviously noticed the mark on her forehead from when her uncle attacked her earlier that day.

"Hey. I just saw Kieran. He's not gonna hurt you again. In fact, he won't leave the attic at all. I arranged for a little boundary spell." He said with a comforting smile.

"You got a witch to help you?" She asked in surprise. "I thought they all hated you"

"For you, I found one who doesn't." Cami started to tear up at his words. It wasn't much to anyone else, but to her it meant everything. "What's wrong?"

"You're the first person to help me in a month." She said as a tear trickled down her face.

"Hey. If there's anything I can do, Cami, just let me know." Marcel said, squeezing her shoulder comfortingly.

In spite of herself she turned to Marcel with a large grin and began to laugh.

"Well I'm all outta bourbon."

~Iliana POV~

Klaus had spent most of the night on the side-lines, either examining the party or flirting with Genevieve. I decided that since I had buried the hatchet with both Hayley and Elijah, it was only fair that I attempt to do the same with him.

"For a resurrected witch, she sure is pretty."

Klaus looked back at me in awe as I stood beside him. Even though we lived in the same house, we had mostly refrained from interacting with each other. And I was definitely not prone to making effort to speak to him.

"You should know," He began. "She doesn't mean anything."

"And I'm sure that's supposed to make me feel better?" I said with a roll of my eyes.

"You mean something to me." He continued.

"Yeah, okay." I said with a sarcastic laugh. "You don't owe me an explanation Klaus. What you do in your spare time and who you do it with is not my business. You're not my boyfriend. I meant what I said outside the opera house."

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