Chapter 69: Valhalla

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~Klaus POV~

When Klaus headed for the baby's nursery, he didn't know what to expect. The knowledge that he might find Iliana there was supposed to excite him. But all he could feel was an ever-present sense of dread. He ended up not having to see her. Because he heard her first.

"I knew you were gonna be the prettiest baby in the world." Iliana murmured. "But somehow you are even more beautiful."

" that you?" Klaus dared to ask as he came up behind her.

"I don't know. Know someone else how could have a baby this pretty?" Iliana asked him with a roll of her eyes. "Of course it's me."

She turned to face him, and Klaus' heart was awash with joy. Not only was his daughter home safe, but she was impossibly in the arms of her mother.

"How are you—" Klaus cut himself off as he realised the only way Iliana would have been alive right now. "Are you a—"

"I'm not a vampire, if that's what you're about to ask." She said curtly. "Despite someone's best efforts."

"Niklaus!" Elijah called out once he had reached the compound. "We found out some—"

Elijah stopped in his tracks upon seeing Iliana standing there before him. Even Hayley had been stunned to silence as they watched Iliana rock her daughter in her arms as though she had not just casually resurrected.

"It is not possible." Elijah murmured in disbelief. He took a step towards her, but Iliana just as quickly stepped back.

"Don't come near me." Iliana said darkly. "If either of you take another step towards me, I don't even know what I'll do."

"Are you in transition?" Elijah asked, thinking this to be the reason for her anger.

"No." She answered bitterly. "Even though one of you was willing to risk me hating you forever."

"Iliana, what's going on? Hayley asked in confusion, causing Iliana to smile brightly at her.

"Thank you so much Hayley." Iliana told her. "You brought me the greatest gift in the world."


"Come, come say hi!" Iliana insisted. Hayley looked between the two brothers before going to see the baby. "Isn't she just impossibly adorable?"

"Yeah." Hayley murmured with a smile. "She is."

"I guess I should be grateful I'm just here to see it." She murmured sadly.

"What happened, Iliana?" Hayley asked her. "You can tell me."

"I died." Iliana began. "I tried to save you from Genevieve and she...she killed me. I sat there for what felt like hours, coming to terms with my death. I said my goodbye and...and someone tried to take away the dignity of dying on my own terms."


"I said stay back!" Iliana snapped at Elijah who had tried to move towards her. "One of them tried to turn me. But it didn't work. I died anyway and I ended up on The Other Side. Just in time for Bonnie to send me back here. To meet my daughter."

Hayley seemed shocked and looked at the two brothers, trying to see which one of them had done it. Unfortunately, they both had excellent poker faces.

"Do we get a chance to explain?" Klaus asked her.

"No." Iliana said with a warm sigh. "Not right now. Right now, I just want to spend time with my baby. Without you."

The two of them nodded, though reluctant to carry out her wishes, they knew it was the best way to keep the peace.

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