Chapter 70: You And I

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A/N: It ends tonight!

Klaus had returned and with Lyric now in Rebekah's care, I was having difficulty focusing on anything else. The pain was killing me, but I did know of one sure-fire way to distract myself. I just didn't know if I was willing to find out the truth.

In the end, the choice was made for me as I heard Klaus and Elijah arguing nearby. I left my room and turned to the brothers who had turned quiet upon seeing me. You didn't need to be a detective to know I was the topic of conversation.

"I guess we're doing this." I mumbled.


"I'm not interested in excuses, Klaus." I snapped. "I just want an answer. A plain and simple one. Which one of you tried to turn me?"

The brothers looked between each other, knowing that their confession would put an end to our triangle. If only it didn't come with me hating the guilty party.

Elijah stepped forward and I could physically feel my heart breaking. I turned my gaze to the floor, too hurt to even look at him.

"It was me." Time froze as I realised that was not Elijah's voice. I looked up to see Klaus looking at me with conflicted eyes.


"It was me." Klaus continued. "I tried to turn you."

"Niklaus, don't do this." Elijah interjected, but the hybrid shook his head.

"I won't let you take the fall for me this time." Klaus said quietly before turning back to me. "I did it. I'm sorry. I just couldn't watch you die."

I could feel the tears building up for what felt like the millionth time that day. But just as I was about to let them out, I steeled myself, refusing to waste them on him.

"You knew." I murmured darkly. "You knew I didn't want that. You knew I wouldn't be able to forgive that. And you did it anyway. Do I mean that little to you?"

"Iliana, that isn't true." Klaus pleaded. "I did it because of how much you mean to me."

"LIAR!" I screamed, unable to take it anymore. "The whole time I have known you, you have done nothing but try and control me. Every single choice I make has to be yours! I have tried to love you, to care about you but I get nothing in return but betrayal! Everyone told me to run, that you were evil, a bad guy and I didn't listen. But they were right! You are exactly the monster everyone thinks you are."

Klaus stepped back, hurt by the words that I might have regretted tomorrow, but words that I definitely meant in that moment.

"I hope it was worth it." I told him through gritted teeth. "Because you were right. I'm certainly alive enough to hate you. And it'll be for as long as I decide to live, you insensitive bastard."

"Iliana, you don't mean that." Elijah said, hoping to comfort his brother.

"I meant every word." I spat out bitterly. "Rot in hell Klaus Mikaelson."

And with that, I stormed back into my room where the tears I had managed to keep away in favour of my anger, all spilled out at once.

~Klaus POV~

Klaus sat on his bed, now not only mourning the loss of his daughter, but also the loss of Iliana. He knew when he said those words, he would be losing her forever, but he didn't expect it to cut as deeply as it did.

"I couldn't save him." Fiore said as she entered his room. Klaus turned back to see Fiore standing at his doorstep. She was a mixture of sadness and frustration, but what was most clear to him was the exhaustion.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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