Chapter 66: My Baby Love

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A/N: Happy Enigma Day!

~Iliana POV~

"Writing a love letter to me?" Klaus said as he walked into the room. I was sat down in the nursery, pen and paper in my hand, enjoying the rare instance of a peaceful day in the Mikaelson household. "Go on tell me, are you writing about how dashingly handsome I am? Or how romantic I am? Or how smart I am?"

"Oh Klaus, you have the kind of confidence only a man can have."

"Which is what?"

"The kind that comes from never being told no." I told him as he stood smugly in the doorway. "Oh, okay then." I remarked, laughing as the baby kicked.

"Are you okay? What's happening?" Klaus asked me, looking extremely panicked.

"Don't worry, Klaus." I told him, laughing even harder now that I had seen his nerve-wracked face. "The baby kicked! Come feel!"

"Okay." He said nervously as he crouched down in front of me.

"You felt that right?" I said in delight.

"Wow." He said laughing excitedly. "That"

Elijah called out for him and though he raised his brows in acknowledgement, he didn't for a second entertain the idea of responding to his brother.

"You should go find out what he wants."

"But I want to play with the baby." He said jutting out his lip in sadness.

"We'll be here when you get back." I said with a smile. He grinned back at me before going to find out what it was Elijah needed.

Dear Ellie or Jerri or Ricci or...don't worry I am not going to call you any of those. It is a lot harder picking out a name for you than I thought it would be.

To my baby girl...Your dad just came in and teased me about writing a love letter for him. He was right about one thing, it was a love letter. He just had the wrong recipient. I never really knew Isobel as a mother. So I never knew what it was like to be pregnant with two incredibly special twins. But it doesn't matter, because I know it can't be half as amazing as carrying you, my little miracle baby.

Your dad and I are impossibly excited to meet you. You were just kicking in my belly and I swear if not for Elijah, his hand might be surgically glued to my stomach.

I don't know the future, it's a crazy world we live in that isn't always pretty. But here are the promises I have for you. You will always have a safe home, with the Mikaelsons in New Orleans or the Gilberts in Mystic Falls. You'll have so much family, you'll get sick of it.

I promise every day someone will tell you they love you and mean it. Your dad, your uncles, your aunts, me. I haven't even had you yet and we all love you so much, the second you meet this world, you will be filled with love.

I promise that someone will fight for you in every single circumstance. I will be a crazy PTA mom, your insane stage mom, your pushy sports coach mom, whatever you need. I'm an actress so you know I'm malleable.

At the end of the day baby, what I'm really promising is a family. I don't know lots about being a mom, so I can't tell you that I'll be perfect. But I promise I'll love you from wherever and forever.

I hope that sounds good to you, baby girl. I love you. Your Mom.

~Klaus POV~

"Where are you going?" Elijah asked Klaus as he stumbled down the stairs.

"I need to find Hayley." Klaus murmured.

"Brother, you're too weak. You should stay here and—"

"NO!" Klaus roared. "I CANNOT—I won't stay here."


"The mother of my child is dead." Klaus said bitterly. "At the very least, I can keep the promises she asked of me. But I cannot do that if there is no child to save."

Klaus stormed off, stopping for a moment when he heard what his brother had to say.

"I miss her too."

"Know this, Elijah." Klaus said as he turned to him with a cruel look. "Your words mean nothing to me. Especially not when it comes to her."

With that Klaus rushed out of the compound as fast as he could, despite being impeded by the effects of the moonlight ring. Once he was in the quarter, he began to hear Hayley's anger filled screams and forced his way into the church where he saw her being restrained by the witches led by Genevieve.

With a scream, he ripped off the head of one of the witches that were guarding them before heading towards Hayley. But Genevieve and one of the witches linked hands, chanting a spell that pinned him to the wall.

He screamed as he tried to break the spell, but he was helpless to watch Hayley suffer in agony.

"You should know this brings me no joy. I promise to make it quick." Genevieve brought out a ceremonial athame and used a sheet to cover Hayley's lower half. "Let's begin, shall we?"

Hayley was being forced to push out the baby whilst Klaus yelled threats at them from the wall he had been pinned down to.

"I will bring hell to your family!" Klaus yelled. "Every single one of you!"

"One last push!" Genevieve urged her. "Push! Gently! Gently! There!" Hayley, exhausted, fell backwards as Genevieve pulled out the little girl.

"What a beautiful baby girl." Genevieve said as she swaddled the child in a blanket. "We must start the sacrifice as soon as—"

"Can I hold her?" Hayley asked. "Please."

Genevieve was sympathetic and went closer so Hayley could hold the child. Hayley smiled down at the child along with Klaus. She looked back and beamed at him when suddenly Monique pulled Hayley's head back and used it to slit her throat.

"NO!" Klaus screamed in horror. He fought desperately to remove his binds, but Monique simply flicked her wrist and snapped his neck. It was over.

They had lost.

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