Chapter 19: The Old Iliana Can't Come To The Phone Right Now

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~Klaus POV~

"I'd like a word." The hybrid called out as he and his brother walked into the abattoir. Marcel was addressing his collection of stray vampires from atop the balcony and didn't look very happy to see them at all, nor did he take a charm to the way he had been addressed in his domain.

"What the hell do you two think you're doing?" The King sneered, glaring at his unwanted guests from afar.

"I think we're interrupting your collection of filthy amateurs." Elijah said with a cruel smirk. "We're here for the girl, give her to us within the next five minutes or we will be forced to kill everyone here." Elijah glared at the vampires surrounding them and then turned up to direct his grim demeanour at Marcel. "Starting with you."

"You got a lot of nerve, you know that?" Marcel replied with a scoff. "Coming into my home and making demands?"

"Oh, so it's your home is it now?" Klaus asked with a false smile, hoping to be more strategic but Elijah was far too distraught over the disappearance of Iliana to see reason.

"The girl, Marcel; I will not ask you again." Elijah demanded.

"You mean Melody? Dark hair, bitchy attitude, voice of an angel, star of her generation? I ain't got her." Marcel answered with a shrug. "How'd she get wrapped up with the likes of you two anyway?"

"Old friend." Klaus replied. "And you know how sentimental I can be about old friends."

"Well, before you start whining, I saw her earlier tonight. I took a trip to the old plantation where I was a slave, guess I felt a bit nostalgic. Imagine my surprise when I found out that the original vampires had taken up residence. Your girl Melody answered the door, we said hello but that was it. Don't believe me? Look around. She's been a friend to me, so hell, I'll even help you find her. But the question that I'd ask is: if Melody isn't here, then where is she?"

~Iliana POV~

I groggily came to in the back of a dark truck that appeared to be driving down a bumpy road. My head was throbbing, and my wrists were bound, but I was not about to die in the back of a musty old car. I kicked at the window in the hopes of escape, but the car suddenly came to a holt.

I considered pretending to be asleep, but if they were coming out, they knew I was awake. The back door opened, and I instantly kicked at my attacker who tried to grab at me.


I knew that voice.

"Tyler?" I asked in shock as my old friend stood before me.

"Come on Iliana, you don't want to fight me." He told me. "You know you can't beat a hybrid."

"Watch me."

I spat at him and continued to thrash about, but he simply took zip ties and bound my ankles too so that I couldn't run away from him.


"Shut up!" He yelled.

He pulled me out of the car boot, still flailing in his arms as he dragged me in through to the Bayou.

~Klaus POV~

Elijah and Klaus were now sat in the courtyard, waiting for Marcel to help them on their quest to locate Iliana. The noble brother examined the battling vampires and turned his nose up at them in disdain.

"They are not attractive in the slightest." Elijah murmured unappreciatively.

"You realise they can all hear you?"

"You realise that I don't care?"

Marcel finally joined them with some vampires in tow and the witch, Sabine. "I liked you a lot better in that box, Elijah." Marcel sneered, before turning to the hybrid. "But Klaus, I owe you the world. If your special lady friend is missing, then I'll grant you one little locator spell. Sabine is the best guide in the Quarter, I guarantee that she's your girl." He nodded and began to leave which did nothing but pique Klaus' curiosity.

"Where are you going?" The blonde asked.

"The sun's coming up soon and I need to get my nightwalkers inside and a city run so I gotta bounce. Have fun tracking down your lost sheep." Marcel told them with a quick wave before disappearing.

~Iliana POV~

Still being dragged by Traitorous Tyler, I had given up being difficult and had simply allowed him to haul me to whatever location he planned. I had to be smart about this and proving I was his enemy was very stupid.

"I always preferred the more docile and tame Iliana." Tyler told me.

"I knew I was right to dump you." I answered curtly. "I should've known you were gonna be a crappy boyfriend when our first date was at a McDonalds. But it's still better than whatever this."

He laughed and dropped me onto the front porch of what looked like a rundown shack. Probably unlived in for years and was at the very brink of irreparable decay.

"Tyler, where are we?" I asked in exasperation.

"The armpit of Louisiana." He answered as he took out a sharp knife.

"Steady on now, Tyler." I said, hoping to quell him from whatever he was going to do with his weapon.

"Don't worry, Iliana." Tyler told me with a chuckle. "Whatever happens next depends on you."

He took the knife and headed in my direction before cutting the zip ties off of my ankles and freeing my frankly swollen legs.

"You attacked me, remember?" I retorted. "Ambushed me in my own backyard, words of a stalker if I ever heard 'em."

"It's not your backyard!" Tyler shot back. "It's Klaus'! Shacked up in that mansion with that psycho! You think I've changed from when we dated but what about you? The Iliana I knew would never be a hostage of some guy!"

"Well that Iliana hasn't gone through what I have!" I shot back, getting to my feet in anger. "That Iliana had two parents! Siblings that hadn't died! An aunt that hadn't died! A guardian that hadn't joined her! And she wasn't—"

I stopped myself but Tyler scoffed and finished my sentence for me. "Wasn't pregnant?"

"How the hell do you know that?" I asked in surprise.

"I know all about your little hybrid baby." Tyler told me. "I've been roaming around the Bayou, asking questions."

I was slowly getting more and more threatened by him, when I saw a blonde woman watching me in the distance. "Hey! Hey lady! Help me!"

Startled, she immediately ran away and I sighed at the state of our world that women were not helping other women.

"They can't help you." Tyler told me. "They're in the woods, hiding, because they were persecuted for decades by vampires."

"Is that her?"

Another tall and intimidating man joined Tyler and stared at me with great worry.

"Yeah, Dwayne." Tyler said with a sigh. "Get her inside."

"Tyler?" I said pleading, but he looked away. "Tyler, please you're scaring me. Tyler? TYLER!"

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! Love you as always! Sorry for the hiatus, just been very busy! Until next time! X

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