Chapter 28: A Dangerous Kiss

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~Klaus POV~

"So it took a thousand years to crack you, but you've finally gone mad!" Rebekah said in disbelief as she and her brothers sat in the compound discussing their situation. "Our own mother!"

"Yes, our beloved mother, who Niklaus has affectionately placed in a coffin in his basement-- not daggered, but quite dead." Elijah replied.

"Let's not forget, she did try to kill us all." Klaus reminded them.

"Well, I say we put her to use and put her to rest once and for all. Now if we bury our mother on land owned by one of her descendants, she becomes a New Orleans witch, and we, as her family, share in that ancestral magic." Elijah explained.

"Let's say you consecrate her, give the child some land—we are vampires, we can't practice magic!" Rebekah added.

"We can if we channel Sophie." Elijah countered. "And as far as owning property, not all of our mother's descendants are dead."

"The baby." Klaus said in shock.

"The baby." Elijah repeated smugly. "The parish Tax Assessor's office is just steps outside of the Quarter. Iliana now holds the title to the plantation. So, if we bury our mother there, and we consecrate those grounds, we can finish the Harvest ritual."

"Our mother is one of the most powerful witches in history, if we bury her then we give our enemies all that power!" Rebekah reminded her brothers.

"Considering our current predicament," Elijah stated. "I hardly see that we have a choice."

"Why do I even bother?" Rebekah sighed in frustration. "The two of you will just do what you want."

"Not a democracy, love." Klaus shrugged.

"Exactly, we're a family." Elijah said looking at the two of them. "The decision will be unanimous." Suddenly rain started to pour heavily and a powerful rainstorm began to take over them as the brothers turned to Rebekah expectantly.

"Kill a demon today, face the devil tomorrow." She muttered. "Count me in."

"Rebekah, you go and get our Mother and Klaus you retrieve Iliana." Elijah told them.

"I've kept her somewhere safe." Klaus replied.

"Yes but we need her for the ritual." Elijah reminded him. Klaus nodded and wracked his brain for her whereabouts, frowning as he realised—he couldn't remember.

"I don't know where she is." Klaus told them.

"You don't think—"

"Yes I do."

"What are you two talking about?" Rebekah asked.

"Fiore." Klaus said angrily.

"She's back?" Rebekah asked with worry.

"She must have compelled me!" Klaus said anxiously.

"We need to find her." Elijah added.

"She could be anywhere." Klaus reminded him. "And she's had a head start."

"What are you talking about?" Iliana said as she arrived and surprised them all. "I'm here."

"Where were you?" Elijah asked as he rushed to her side. "We thought—"

"Klaus kept me hidden in some random dungeon." Iliana said with a glare. "But not many people are cool with being here anymore, so I got out. Now come on. Let's get this witch problem over with so we can solve our Fiore problem."

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