Chapter 68: Neccesary Evils

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~Hayley POV~

The three of them rushed over to the altar where Genevieve had raised the athame up above the baby's head.

"NO!" Hayley screamed, startling the witches.

Elijah picked up an urn and chucked it at the Genevieve's head causing her to drop the athame. The three of them ran up at the witches but Monique and Abigail channelled the ancestors' power to throw them backwards.

"You fools! To come against us in our place of power in our strongest hour? You don't face three, you face us all!" Monique cackled as they could see the many ancestors backing them up.

Genevieve was trying to pick up the athame, but Hayley came up from behind her and knocked it out of her hand. Klaus had been cornered by the spirit of Papa Tunde's twin sons who threw him into a tomb. Hayley ran up to the altar to try and take the baby, but Genevieve used a pain infliction spell, causing her to cry out and land on her knees.

"HAYLEY!" Klaus yelled out as he saw her, he picked up an iron fence spike and hurled it through Abigail, killing her and breaking the connection to the ancestors. Hayley looked back at Monique, who had stood up and planned to finish the ceremony herself.

"NO!" The brunette yelled as she tried to run over to her, but Monique had surrounded herself with layers and layers of fire. She lifted the athame over the child's head when a devil's star was thrown at her. It embedded itself inside her stomach, covering her with cuts and making her cough up blood before falling to the ground and dying.

"Marcel, take the baby."

They turned back to see Fiore had been the one to throw the star. In that moment of disorientation, Marcel raced to the altar and took the baby with him. Klaus looked back at Fiore in shock who seemed sheepish and tired.

"Thank you." Klaus murmured appreciatively. The Enigma simply nodded in acknowledgement.

"I have to go now." She told him. "There might still be time to—"

"Do what you have to do, Fiore."

Fiore didn't waste another second before disappearing. Klaus too looked to his family before dashing off after Marcel.

~Klaus POV~

Klaus followed Marcel to the compound which was littered with the dead bodies of Marcel's vampires. He looked around at the chaos and saw Marcel sat on the fountain looking at the carnage that remained.

"I was too late." Marcel mumbled.

"I guess the wolves finished what they started." Klaus murmured in disgust. He then realised why Marcel took his child. "You took my daughter so I would heal your friends."

"I thought there was more time." Marcel said sadly.

Klaus bit his wrist and offered it out to him. "Here, Marcel"

"Everything here," Marcel began, still looking at the dead bodies. "This bite, all of them. It didn't come from nowhere. I know that. This is the last note in a song that I started a century ago when I brought your dad to town. And for that, I am sorry."

"No." Klaus knelt down in front of Marcel and smiled. "You saved my child and for that you deserve to live. We will take down whoever brought this upon us, I swear it." Marcel drank from his blood and Klaus now knew it was time for his next question.

"Marcel, where is my daughter?"

"Iliana took her." Marcel replied nonchalantly.

"What did you just say?"

~Hayley POV~

"Now, this bitch dies." Hayley said with a glare. The wolf picked her up and slung her body over her shoulder before throwing the witch into a tomb and shackling her up.

"Why?" Hayley asked furiously.

"The ancestors left me no choice—"

"You were going to kill a baby for more power?" Hayley replied both appalled and disgusted.

"No." Genevieve said with a vehement shake of her head. "It was their decree, her decree."

"Whose decree?" Elijah asked her as he grabbed her by the collar of her dress.

"I'm surprised you have to ask." Genevieve said with a dark laugh. "After all it was your idea to consecrate her on New Orleans soil."

"Esther." Elijah muttered in visible disgust.

"Death didn't stop your dad from trying to kill me, why not your mom too?" Hayley grumbled.

"This is not the end." Genevieve said anxiously. "As long as that child lives, the witches of New Orleans will never stop coming for her. Esther will never stop coming for her. It has been decreed—your baby will be consecrated among her ancestors. She will not live." As she spoke her eyes started to bleed. "They're coming for me; I can feel it. I failed them. Understand—I just wanted to live. Tell Klaus... I'm sorry."

Hayley balled her hand into a fist before socking Genevieve across the face. "I'm not."

"If I had any other—"

But at this point, Elijah had had enough of Genevieve's spiel. He took the knife and plunged it into her stomach, watching as the life left her eyes.

"For Iliana."

When Elijah turned around, he was met with a shocked Hayley and he realised, she never even knew she had died to begin with.

"No." Hayley said with a shake of her head. "Tell me she isn't...please."

"I'm sorry." Elijah murmured, feeling the loss all over again. "Iliana is gone."

Tears began to fall from Hayley's eyes and Elijah warmly embraced her, doing his best to comfort her from a loss that he knew they would both feel for a long time.

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