Chapter 35: And That's How Iliana Gilbert Died

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When we arrived at the bayou, there were already people wheeling dollys out of the plantation. Hayley's family worked fast.

"Who the bloody hell is that?" Rebekah asked in shock.

"Kegs out back, alright?" Hayley told the man.

"Oh." Rebekah said as she turned to the of us. "I gather you planned on throwing this kegger without my permission."

"Look, you want me safe, fine." I huffed. "Damsel in glass tower, I can do. But I sure as hell am not gonna be bored doing it. Hayley wants to meet her family and I want to dance without Klaus coming in to lecture me about how much better music was back in his day. So you can rat us out, or you can help us throw one hell of a rager."

~Cami POV~

Cami sat in the pews with Tunde's blade, debating on what the best way to play this would be. If she stabbed Klaus, her uncle would be saved. But by doing that, she would have made an enemy of Klaus. But Kieran would die if she didn't carry out her task. She heard footsteps approaching and hid the blade from sight.

"I got your message." Klaus said as he entered the church. "Where's Kieran now?"

"In the attic. Sleeping." Cami answered as he sat beside her. "He's gonna go crazy and die, isn't he? Just like Sean. And we'll still be in this stupid fight because he lied to me about the witches. And vampires. And you."

"Camille, I can see why you hate me. Truth be told, I have done some dreadful things. But the lies your uncle told were meant to protect you. He is a good man with a loyal heart, and he is your family." Klaus told her. "As for these witches, their attack on Kieran should be proof enough they are the enemy. In that, we are united."

He stood up and headed for her uncle and Cami huffed before holding out the blade to him.


He turned back and looked warily at the weapon in her hand, not sure if she would use it or not.

"This is Papa Tunde's blade."

"A witch gave it to me." She told him. "Said it would cause untold pain and torment, even to an Original. She said if I stuck it in your heart, she'd heal Kieran."

"And yet you choose to reject her offer." Klaus said in surprise.

"Maybe if I were more like you, I could do it but, I'm not—"

"A monster?"

"Stupid." She finished. "I'm not stupid. If there's a war going on, I wanna be on the winning side."

"Let's see what we can do about saving your uncle, shall we?" Klaus said with a glad smile as they headed up to the attic to get him.

~Klaus POV~

Klaus sighed and bit into his palm, letting his blood drip down into a communion goblet when he received a very unhappy side eye from Kieran.

"You gotta be kidding me." Kieran said incredulously as Klaus continued to let his blood flow into the cup.

"A vampire is trying to reverse a witch's hex placed on you, and it's the cup you find sacrilegious?" Klaus asked, dumbfounded by Kieran's behaviour. He slit open the priest's palm with a roll of his eyes and placed it into the basin of holy water at the sacristy.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Cami asked him sceptically.

"Not in the slightest." Klaus said with a shrug. "But I can't even attempt to compel him if the Good Father has vervain in his system. Thus we bleed him out. Camille, I never said this would be pleasant."

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