Chapter 41: I Hope That You Burn

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When I finally caught up to him, he was in the middle of the street feeding on a random man. He looked at me and sighed before sending the man away.

"Klaus, you are not seriously doing this." I said in disbelief.

"Of course I will, once I get some sustenance with a little less vervain in it." He replied. "Not that yours isn't lovely too."

"You know, no one has ever been able to hurt me like you have." I told him. "You let me fall in love with you, tricked me, tried to kill my siblings multiple times, killed me, took away my memory and got me pregnant, for crying out loud! I should hate you! Everyone wants me to hate you. And sometimes I wish I did. Because it might make carrying all the hurt easier. But I've never even thought about killing you. In fact, I killed my sister for trying. And when I tell you that is the most pain I have ever been someone who has first-hand felt the pain of killing a sibling, I mean it, you won't survive it if you're the one who kills her."

"I'll tell you what I almost didn't survive, my sister bringing the vilest creature ever to have walked the earth down upon me." Klaus shot back.

"Exactly! Mikael! Who hunted you for centuries." I said, stepping towards him. "But if you do this, if you continue to hunt them down, make them feel the same fear that Mikael forced you to feel, you'll be the same as him. Don't be him."

"I've been called every shade of monster, but that's new. My father? Mikael was the monster monsters were afraid of. Come. Let me show you." He grabbed onto my hand and sped us away to the Rue De Main. "That night in 1919, when the opera house burned down on this very spot? That was my father at his worst."

Klaus and Rebekah were sitting up in a private box, waiting for the show to start. Rebekah looked around anxiously waiting for Marcel to arrive. Unbeknownst to her, Klaus was feeling the same way, watching every exit in the hopes that Fiore would walk in. To quell his own nerves, he turned to his sister, using this time to tease her.

"Your relationship is already off to a rough start." Klaus told Rebekah. "Your societal debut together as a couple after I gave you my blessing and he's a no-show."

"He's probably just delayed." Rebekah answered curtly.

"Or now that your illicit affair is in the open, he finds your relationship boring and he's run off to Havana with a showgirl." He said chuckling to himself.

"Don't be such a toe rag." Rebekah snapped. "I'm going to check the lobby." Rebekah told him as she got up.

"I would advise against trying to flee, boy. I can drive this into your heart before you can even think of getting to your feet, and I don't want you to die yet." Mikael told Klaus who whispered his fearful response back.

"Father— "

"Still clinging onto that word after all these years" Mikael said with a dastardly cackle. "A bastard still desperate for a daddy. I wonder if your real father would be as embarrassed as I was of you before I discovered you were not mine. Most likely. Don't worry. Death will come, but first we need to have a little chat before you shuffle off your immortal coil."

"Any words we have for each other have been spoken long ago. But, know this—I am no longer the animal begging for scraps of your affection. I will die knowing my hatred for you was just. I will fall proud of all I have achieved here. So, Mikael, if you're going to kill me, then get on with it."

"Au contraire, Niklaus. Some things remain unsaid. For instance, you were right to be proud of your achievement here. As I walked the streets, your name was spoken of in reverent tones by the city's finest. So, after I kill you, I will remain here in New Orleans until every last person who remembers you is dead. The deeds of the mighty Klaus will be remembered by no one and you, boy, will simply never have existed." The orchestra started to play signifying the start of the show. "Ah. The grand show. Oh, I made some alterations in your honour. You'll love it."

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