Chapter 14: All The Stars Are Closer

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"Have you got a nursery planned out?" Elena asked as I spoke to her and Caroline on the phone.

"Nope, too busy being kidnapped by crazy witches and whatnot." I explained to the two. "And before you ask Care, the same can be said for the name, baby shower, godparents and anything else. This baby is going to come out into the world less prepared than my breakfast. Which Klaus has ensured is absolutely and completely 10 million% baby safe."

"Never pegged Klaus for the doting dad type." Elena replied with a chuckle.

"Well he really is full of surprises." I added, laughing alongside. "Come on, tell me what else is up! I haven't heard from Bonnie in a while."

"Oh, Iliana, Bonnie—"

"Is just really swamped with travelling." Caroline finished for my sister. "I mean her dad just keeps dragging her around the world, so it's kinda hard to stay in touch 24/7 but Jeremy says she's doing just fine."

"Trust her to only keep up with him." I said with a roll of my eyes before sighing deeply. "I really miss you guys. I wish you were here to get me through all the baby stuff."


"Boo." I said with a groan. "I'll talk to you guys later. Love you."

"Love you too." They both squealed.

I trudged down the stairs with a grumpy groan. "If it's more witches, tell them, I am not interested."

"I take your witches and raise you one twin and a best friend." Caroline said excitedly as she opened her arms out to me.

"OH MY GOSH!" I thundered down the stairs before leaping off and straight into Klaus' clutches.

"Easy, love, easy." He said with a smirk as he placed me down on the ground. "Don't die before you see them."

He stepped out of my way with a laugh as I pulled the two of them into my arms for a bright and warm hug that I had craved for the longest of times.

"I can't believe you're here." I told them in my overjoyed spiel.

"We figured you couldn't come to us, we'd come to you!" Caroline replied.

"This is the best day of my life!" I yelled in excitement as I rushed out the door. "Come on! Come on! I have so much to show you!"


The three of us piled into my car and I drove us all to Rousseau's, ready to show them what my life currently consisted of.

"Ugh, you need to try the gumbo here!" I told them as we sat down at a table together. "Now that I'm eating for two, I've had lots of it."

"Technically, you're eating for—" Both Elena and myself glared at Caroline, knowing exactly how she was gonna finish that sentence. "Never mind."

I ordered my double helping of gumbo and began to grin stupidly at two of the people I had missed most in the world.

"So, how's being pregnant?" Elena asked me.

"Oh, you know, the usual, keep being kidnapped, people tryna kill my baby, so like any average pregnancy." I said sarcastically. "Just another thing to add to my list of problems."

"Does it go above or under the whole Elijah vs Klaus thing?" Caroline asked with a smirk that made me chuck a chip at her. "Hey! It's not my fault you and Elena are both afflicted with the being in love with two brothers curse."

"You are so funny." I told her with a roll of my eyes. "And to be honest, that problem is very much on hold, seeing as Klaus put Elijah in one of his favourite little coffins and gave him away."

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