Chapter 12: The Future Is Female

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I headed home only to find that someone had infiltrated our home. I walked through the house, through to the back garden until I could finally see her properly. I grabbed the woman's arm and forcefully wrenched it around her back until she cried out in pain.

"Strong, I see."

"Who the hell are you?" I asked suspiciously. "And I want an answer that satisfies me enough to not break your arm."

"I'm Sabine. We've met." She told me. "One of Sophie's friends."

"So you're one of the witches."

"I swear I'm not here to hurt you." I paused before letting go of her. She gave me a relieved smile but I still was wary of her. The witches hadn't exactly been good to me.

"Pull anything funny and I won't hesitate to drown you." I threatened.

"Look, I just thought it'd be nice to keep you company." She replied.

"Gee, thanks."

"You and Klaus really made something special, you know?" She told me, causing me to roll her eyes.

"You sound like Elijah." I said, causing her to chuckle knowingly. "He thinks this baby is gonna make us one big happy family and I don't even know what it is."

"I can help with that you know." She told me. "Find out if it's a boy or a girl."

"I thought you can't do magic."

"It's not magic." She replied. "Just an old trick my grandma taught me. I'm sure you at least a little bit curious."

~Klaus POV~

The party was over and the courtyard had been completely emptied, with the exception of Klaus and Marcel. He and Rebekah's plan to rescue their brother was coming along smoothly and Klaus was beginning to think that things were looking up for him. His compelled vampire had attempted to kill Thierry's girlfriend, and just as they planned Thierry took the bait and killed him, breaking one of Marcel's rules. After Sophie convinced Katie to do a big spell, he'd killed her and gained Marcel's trust. His plan had gone off without a hitch—Marcel trusted him and the one person he would have trusted more was now wiling away in his chamber of betrayal.

"How much did Cami see?" Marcel asked him.

"She just saw an argument, mate. It's nothing you can't fix." Klaus assured him. "You really like her, don't you?"

"I like that she's not a part of any of this. Sometimes it's good to see the world the way the humans do." Marcel replied.

"I am sorry about Thierry, you know? I can tell he was a good friend." Klaus told him, changing the subject.

"I made hm what he was. Obviously, my trust was misplaced."

"Doesn't make it any easier."

"You saved me tonight. I guess I owe you one." Marcel told him. "You asked for your brother back. Seems like the least I can do."


Camille sat down at the bar alone, drinking away her sorrows. She turned and noticed his presence, scoffing before she even knew what he was here to do.

"Don't bother. I know bro code states that you have to smooth things over or whatever but—"

"You've been hurt before and you're giving up on him, so as to not be hurt again." Klaus said as he sat down on the stool beside her.

"He isn't what I thought he was." She said as she slammed down her drink on the table. "If he can turn on a dime like that then—the bottom line is; he isn't who I thought he was."

"That's not a broken heart, Camille. That, brave bartender, is the sound of a broken trust." Klaus countered.

She stared at him and swallowed thickly, but then she leaned into kiss him, much to the hybrid's shock, who quickly turned away.

"I need you to give Marcel another chance."

"I definitely misread that." She said, looking both embarrassed and disappointed.

"It happens." He mumbled awkwardly before compelling her. "You went to Marcel's. You danced. You feel badly that he had a row with his friend, but otherwise, all you remember is that it was perfect."

~Davina POV~

Davina paced around the attic, worried sick about Marcel. She had sent some power to him to help but she had no way of knowing if he was safe.

"Knock, knock." Davina turned to her door and saw Marcel smirking at her.

"I didn't know what happened, I was so scared." She said as she ran up to hug him, letting out a relieved sigh.

"Whatever you did, it helped me, thank you." He said, comfortingly stroking her hair. She released him and looked back at her captive, Elijah.

"It was one of his, wasn't it?" She asked, glaring at the desiccated body.

"No, Klaus was the one that saved me actually." Marcel answered with a scratch of his head. "I'm gonna give back Elijah, to say thanks. I'm gonna make things right, starting with him."

"No." Davina snapped, turning back to face him with a stern determination. She was confused and upset but mostly angry. "You told me the old ones were dangerous, we said I'd learn how to kill them and then I would return them. Not a minute before."

~Iliana POV~

I sat on a table in the foyer as I waited from Klaus to come home from the gala. I didn't have any doubts that he had succeeded but I was definitely getting tired of waiting to explain the news to him.

"Finally!" I said as I leapt from the drawers as the door opened to Klaus. I took his hand and began to lead him out to the poolside as he expressed his confusion.

"What is going on?"

"It's a surprise."

"Well, you should know Elijah is coming back." He explained.

"Yeah, being diabolical has its perks, whatever." I said dismissively.

"After all that hassle, you no longer care." He muttered grumpily. "How happy am I to have put in all that effort."

"Close your eyes." I told him as we reached the pool.


"I said close them!" I instructed and he sighed before following my orders. "And don't open them or prepare to face the wrath of a mad pregnant woman."

"Okay." He said with a laugh as I prepared the fireworks.

Once the bottom was lit I went to stand beside Klaus and watched him gleefully. "Okay open your"

He did so and looked up into the sky were there were now pink fireworks illuminating the sky. He looked back at me slightly confused and I rolled my eyes at him as I laughed.

"I don't get it." He told me with a frown.

"We're having a girl!"

He looked back at me with eyes widened and I grinned back at him as a bright beam appeared on his face. I was practically squealing in excitement as he pulled my face into his hands and did what I knew he had been restraining himself from doing since he had arrived.

His lips met mine and although I knew this was counter-intuitive, I didn't pull away. And I instead let our lips meld into one.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! Love you as always! Until next time! X

PS: My updates are gonna be extra slow for a while, I just moved so I am very busy. But I will do my best.

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