Chapter 30: Lies, Wins And Secrets, Oh My!

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~Cami POV~

Cami stood in the restaurant, completely overpowered by her current predicament. The restaurant was in a mess and Sophie wasn't answering her calls.

"Sophie, the restaurant is an epic disaster again. Do you think maybe you could come in today and—"

"Guess I shoulda come last night." Marcel said as he walked in which immediately sent her into a panic. She looked around for anything she could use as a weapon but there was nothing that could kill a vampire, so she settled on an empty liquor bottle.

"Before you try anything, you should know that I'm on vervain now." She told the vampire, holding the bottle in a defensive stance.

"Oh yeah. Klaus said you broke free of his compulsion. Good for you. Seen Sophie?" Marcel said dismissively. "Got a witch problem, she's a witch. Thought she might have answers."

Cami shook her head and he grabbed a bottle from behind the bar and sat down on a barstool. He popped the cork and sighed before taking a swig from the bottle.

"Day drinking? A little early, don't you think?" Cami chuckled. "Let me guess Klaus problems? I thought you'd be living it up now that you got Davina back."

"Davina's dead" Marcel replied bluntly.

"Klaus?" Cami said angrily. "I warned him that— "

"It wasn't like that" Marcel said sadly, cutting her off and dashing away her suspicions. "The power that she had was too much. We tried to fix her with this crazy-ass ritual, and something went wrong. Now she's...I don't know, floating in limbo, or waiting on her ancestors."

"I'm sorry." Cami said sitting beside him and patting his shoulder. She knew that Marcel and Davina were closer than anyone else. She was basically his daughter and while Cami knew what it felt like to lose a sibling, she had no idea what it was like to lose a child.

"Me too."

~Iliana POV~

I was in Davina's room looking through her old sketches as I tried to keep my mind off Marcel and now the weird witch threat that was looming.

"There you are." I turned to see Elijah come join me and shot him a smile before turning back to the pictures.

"Here I am."

"Are those Davina's drawings?" He asked.

"Yeah." I told him. "No one will tell me what's going on so I'm doing some sleuthing on my own. I figured I'd start here seeing as we never found out why she drew these pictures of Celeste."

"Whoever did this, we will deal with them." Elijah assured me.

"So that's the secret!" I teased. "As soon as there's a big supernatural threat looming over me, you'll finally find your way into the same room as me."


"How's Hayley?" I asked him.

"She's fine." He murmured, seemingly thrown off guard by my question. "Why do you ask?"

"Well she seems to spend all her time with you these days." I replied, hoping I didn't sound as bitter as I felt. "Still mad at her?"

"She apologised and I chose to forgive her." He answered.

"Lucky girl." I muttered. "Since she's been here, she's probably seen you more than I have in the last two years."

"Iliana, I apologise if you feel neglected." Elijah said, drawing nearer to me. "I know I've been rather occupied as of late. My siblings are quarrelling, Niklaus is agitated and you know that even our slightest interactions infuriate him."

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