Chapter 50: I Don't Like Your Girlfriend

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A/N: For those of you that don't know I am a black woman. What is happening in America but all over the world to black people is wrong and to stay silent is to stay complicit.

There has been so much awful things happening to people who look like me and it has meant that writing can be hard in these times. I highlight black characters and their experiences in my stories.

To my black fans, I thank you for your support. I am glad we are able to rely on each other. To my white readers, I urge you to educate yourselves on racism and always speak out against it.

My worldly life is not a controversy or a political statement. I wish people would stop treating it like it is.

Black Lives Matter. If you have even a minuscule problem with that statement don't read my books. You don't deserve me, my stories and I don't want your viewership.

And now, onto your regularly scheduled reading.

"Just so I have this straight, the same witch that kidnapped Klaus and chased Becky out of town, just asked for a party and Elijah said yes?" Fiore asked me in disbelief.

"I don't get it either." I told her with a shake of my head. "And you were right. Klaus is definitely up to something."

"The sooner you stop doubting me, the smarter you'll be." She replied with a smirk. "Nik is always up to something. Isn't that right, Nik?"

I turned to see Klaus standing behind me, watching over the two of us. He didn't quite have a glare on his face, but it was clear he wasn't happy seeing us together.

"I came to check on Iliana." He said.

"Yes, the final month of pregnancy is quite something, I'm told." Fiore continued. "I'm glad you have it in you to check on your girlfriend every once in a while."

"I'm not his girlfriend." I said quickly.

"Sorry, sorry it's so hard to keep up sometimes." Fiore said with a loud laugh. "So nice of you to check up on your brother's girlfriend who is pregnant with your child."

"Would you—"

"She just wants to rile us up, do not give in." Klaus warned, now truly glaring at her.

"If you give away all the rules of my game Nik, I will be forced to return in kind." The Enigma said with a delighted smirk.

"Hm." He huffed and then turned his attention to me. "I just wanted to see if you needed help getting a dress for tonight."

"Shouldn't you be asking Genevieve that question?" Fiore asked, feigning innocence.


"She's right." I said to his surprise. "I'm not your girlfriend. Genevieve is."

"Genevieve is not my girlfriend."

"Friends with the most salacious of benefits." Fiore interjected.

"It doesn't matter what she is, I'm not going anyway." I told him with a shrug.

"What?" Klaus said in surprise. "This is an important event. You have to be there."

"I don't have to do anything."

"Iliana sweetheart." I turned to Fiore who shot me a wide grin. "You are going to this party. You are going to look so beautiful that every man in the vicinity will be spellbound by you. And you are going to start getting ready for this momentous occasion right this second!"

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