Chapter 4: An Extra Heartbeat

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~Klaus POV~

When Klaus arrived at where Iliana stood, she glanced at him and rolled her eyes with a smile. He listened in and he could hear it. Her baby's heartbeat. Their baby's heartbeat.

"I know clocks are younger than you are but I figured you'd be able to read one by now." She said with a chuckle.

"Sorry, I was pre-occupied." He murmured.

"With Marcel?" She asked knowingly. "I was pretty shocked when I realised you knew my client."

"Client?" He asked in irritation.

"I'm teaching him how to sing." She answered. "He pays very well."

"And of course, you could use the money." He teased, causing the both of them to chuckle. "I'm just glad to hear he isn't your date."

"Maybe you shouldn't eavesdrop so I don't have to lie about it." She said with a grin before taking a sigh. "What are you doing here, Klaus? I've been keeping a low profile. No one knows who I really am and I haven't heard anything about Fiore since I left Mystic. You don't need to check on me. In fact, you're probably just putting me in more danger."

"I didn't come here to check on you." He replied. "Jane-Anne Devereaux asked me to come here."

"Sophie's sister." She said in understanding.

"She was." Klaus replied. "Marcel killed her."

"So she was in on it?"

"They both are. Witches." He explained. "Jane had the power to tell when someone was pregnant."

"A pregnancy test isn't really a super power anymore." She said with a laugh but Klaus remained serious.

"You've not been with anyone else, have you?" He asked her. "You can tell me, I won't be angry."

"How could you even ask me that?"

"Sean, maybe?" The hybrid pressed on.

"Sean's dead." She shot back bitterly before turning to the grave she was stood in front of. "This is his . He was dead when I got here."

"I'm sorry to hear that." He murmured as his heart dropped into his feet.

"Are you?" She asked, her fury all too evident. "Because I've been living a relatively peaceful life since I left Mystic and you're here for a day, you ask me to meet you, come late and start asking inflammatory questions. Not that it's any of your business but you're the only person I've ever slept with. So maybe keep your slut shaming to a minimum."

"I wasn't—" Klaus said before realising there was nothing to be done. "You're pregnant. And it's mine."

Iliana looked back at Klaus with a look of disbelief before bursting into a bout of laughter. "Yeah right. You're dead so I think we're good on that front."

"I am not joking." Klaus continued. "I'm half-werewolf, which means I am able to by some work of nature. I—I don't know all the details. But I can hear it. Inside of you."



"I SAID STOP!" She yelled. "I don't want to—I can't be pregnant. I just can't."

"I know it is a lot to process but we can—"

"We?" She asked with a bitter laugh. "There is no we! I don't want a baby! Not now, maybe not ever! How do I manage to have sex with the one vampire that could get me pregnant? What now? Are you gonna be a dad, Klaus? Am I gonna be a mom? We can't be parents! I am literally hiding out from the most powerful person in existence and—"

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