Chapter 39: He's My Boy

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~Rebekah POV~

"Just give up Rebekah. It's inevitable at this point."

"Sabine." Rebekah said as she stumbled into a corner away from her.

"I prefer Celeste actually. I've had so many names over the years, but I still prefer the first." Celeste replied with a cruel smile. "Maybe it was the way it sounded on Elijah's lips, like a declaration of love. Oh, he was such a good liar. You all are."

"You can say whatever you want about me." Rebekah said, fumbling over her words. "But Elijah is a good man."

"Defending him until the bitter end." Celeste said, shaking her head. "Good. I'm counting on that familial love. It'll be the ruin of you all. Now that Klaus knows what you've done, he'll never stop until he's had his revenge. He'll kill Marcel. Do something horrible to you. Elijah will never forgive him. Your betrayal will ultimately pit brother against brother. And the fabled Mikaelson bond will crumble."

"I'll kill you; you bitch!" Rebekah snapped.

"You already did!" Sabine growled angrily and Rebekah looked back at her in confusion as the witch regained her composure. "Though that time, I had a different face."

"Genevieve!" Rebekah said as she rushed into the influenza ward to find her. She was with her friend Clara tending to a patient. "We need to talk. Privately."

"I'll be fine." Clara reassured her friend. "You go ahead."

"You were the other one. Clara." Rebekah said, finally catching on. "You should have minded your own business."

"My friend was being exploited; it was my business!"

"What do you mean call it off?" Genevieve asked in shock. "You must be mad!"

"I was wrong!" Rebekah had said in a panic. "It was stupid and impulsive, and it will ruin us, Genevieve. Not just Klaus but Elijah too. I risked tearing our family apart for my own selfish happiness. I'm begging you, please, do not bring Mikael here. If Klaus finds out what we have done... what you have done."

"Klaus will kill me." Genevieve said, fearing for her life. "He'll kill my entire family."

"Which is why you have to undo it." Rebekah told her.

"It doesn't work that way." Genevieve replied, shaking her head. "There is no undoing it. Mikael is coming. The only saving grace we have now is telling Klaus the truth. Confess what we've done."

"Not an option." Rebekah said as she clutched the young witch tightly. "He will dagger me and leave me in a box for centuries. You will not say a word."

"You used me! This whole time, our friendship... All you wanted was a favour, and now you want to take it back? Well, you can't. And I will not suffer because I was foolish enough to trust you." Genevieve said angrily.

"It was a mistake. I know that now. But that one mistake will destroy us." Rebekah tried to attack but Genevieve cast a pain infliction spell, causing her a searing sensation of agony.

"I will not be destroyed along with you." Genevieve said as she turned to leave but Rebekah was too quick for her. She smothered her with an infected cloth, giving her the influenza virus.

"I'm so sorry Genevieve. But you summoned Mikael and if Klaus finds out, you're dead either way." Rebekah told her with the cloth still pressed on her face.

"Is everything alright?" Clara asked as she walked inside and saw Rebekah infecting her friend.

"And then you infected me too." Celeste said angrily. "Compelled the orderlies to keep us in quarantine until we died. Fortunately, I just took another body. Genevieve wasn't so lucky. Well, now that she's back, you're the one whose luck's run out."

~Elijah POV~

Elijah arrived at the sanitorium with Fiore and Marcel in tow, hoping to save them before Klaus found out the truth of Marcel and Rebekah's betrayal.

"We should split up." The Original instructed. "We'll find them quicker that way."

"Race you." With that, Fiore dashed into the building leaving the two behind.

"You take the back entrance; I'll take the front." Elijah told Marcel who quickly did as he was told.

~Rebekah POV~

"Nik!" Rebekah said after coming face to face with him in a hallway. "Nik, it isn't true, none of it, I swear!"

"I want to believe you." He said as he stalked towards her, whilst she slowly backed away from him. "But your face tells a different story from the words coming out of your mouth."

"Nik, I—" Rebekah never finished her sentence as she zoomed off, far away from him.


He started walking, he didn't even run, use his vampire speed or anything of the sort—he just walked. He eventually walked into an abandoned room where Rebekah stood there, lying in wait.

"Niklaus." She muttered curtly.

"Rebekah. Tired of running?" He asked her.

"I know how much you enjoy the chase." She sneered. "I'd sooner deny you the pleasure."

"Well then, I suppose I'll get my jollies in other ways." He replied as he took a step towards her. "No more 'daggered in a box' for you. Trust me, sister, you'll long for what the dagger offered. This will be far less merciful. How can I describe exactly what this blade does?"

"You don't have to do this, Nik." Rebekah pleaded, but he continued on.

"After I plunge this into your heart, you will be immobilized, imprisoned in a state of raw, inescapable anguish. Time loses all meaning. It's not unlike a living hell, which I find rather fitting, given your treachery."

"Then do it!" She said giving up. "If that is what you truly desire then do it."

"So we're just going to skip the part where you beg for mercy?" He asked cruelly. "For forgiveness? I was actually really looking forward to that."

"No thanks. I know better than to think it'll do me any good." She shot back.

"So that's it then? You concede? Like a lamb to the slaughter. What would your father say?"

Rebekah lunged for Klaus, but he easily overpowered her, he was a hybrid and on top of that, she was weakened by the werewolf bites. He threw her off and she fell to the floor, grabbing a wooden plank to protect herself. She used it to hit him repeatedly, but Klaus was stronger still and he threw her to the wayside once again. He was going to dagger her but out of nowhere, Marcel stepped in to try and save her.

"Marcellus!" Klaus said with an evil grin. "Just the man I wanted to see." Klaus punched him in the face and Marcel stumbled backwards. It was a losing battle. "Rebekah's punishment wouldn't be complete without watching you die."

"Nik, it was my idea to summon Mikael!" Rebekah shouted, turning her brother's attention away from Marcel. "If you're going to kill anyone it should be me."

"Such loyalty to your beloved." He said, shaking his head at his sister as she lay helpless on the floor. "If you had offered me even a fraction of the same, I wouldn't have to do this."

He threw out his hand ready to pull out Marcel's heart but quicker than he could process, his wrist snapped, and he cried out in pain.

"Not today, Nik." Fiore said as she moved Marcel out of harm's way, ignoring Nik's glares.

But the hybrid simply turned his focus back to his sister, lifting the blade high up in the air, ready to plunge it into her chest.

"Mother, please!"

"Oh for the love of—" Just as the blade was about to reach Rebekah, Fiore intervened and thrust it into the hybrid's chest, holding onto him as he dropped in her arms. "Sorry love, but you know I can't say no to our boy."

Elijah reached the room and saw the mad display as Rebekah scrambled into Marcel's arms.

"Go." Elijah told them. "Both of you. Run as far and as fast as you can. Run!"

The Red Herring Revives: A Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now