Chapter 44: Evil As Plain As The Smirk On The Face

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~Klaus POV~

Klaus sat at a nearby tomb, the white oak stake still in his hand as he cast his memory back to the day he lost it all.

"You should be gone." Fiore said as Klaus creeped up behind her. She stood with a blank face as she watched the plantation house, knowing she would have to leave it behind her.

"So should you."

"Mikael can't kill me." She countered with a shrug. "Where's Rebekah?"

"Waiting in the carriage." Fiore nodded and there was a long pause before Klaus spoke up again. "I knew you wouldn't go. I couldn't leave without knowing you were safe."

"That's silly, I'm always safe." Fiore told him with a smirk that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Doesn't mean it isn't nice to be checked up on." He replied. "You look beautiful. I'm glad you agreed to come with me today. Even if it didn't turn out as planned."

"I still remember when we first met him. Just there." Fiore whispered with glassy eyes. "I don't think I've ever loved someone so quickly. And now he's..."

"Fiore, I'm—"

"If you apologise to me right now, I will tear you to shreds." She said in so dark a tone, Klaus knew she meant it.

"You shouldn't be alone right now. Come with us." At this, Fiore let out a wry laugh. "I'm serious."

"I know you are. That's what makes it so funny." She told him. "Come with you where? And do what? Continue our—whatever it is?"

"Blossom, I lo—"

"Don't say it. Please." She interrupted.

"Why not?"

"Because I made a choice! And I didn't... I didn't choose you."

"You can choose me now." The hybrid took a step towards her, but Fiore quickly moved away.

"I can't. I don't. I choose him." She told him apologetically. "I want him, I love him."

Somewhere inside him, Klaus knew this was true. That didn't make hearing it out loud any less painful. He thought he could change her mind in time, but whether they didn't have enough, or it was just a pipe dream, Fiore had just made it clear that she belonged to Kol.

"I want him back please." She said, wiping away tears. "I can't take him from you right now but once we split, I want him back."

At first, Klaus didn't say anything. He felt his heart shatter into pieces, just as it had when she chose him the first time. And he remembered the pain of knowing he would never get to hold her again. His trembling hands cupped her face in his hands as he kissed her softly, knowing this would be his last. In spite of everything, he hoped maybe this kiss would change things for her but as he pulled away, he knew it hadn't.

"I'll be in touch." The hybrid nodded and walked away, hoping to save face in front of the woman who broke his heart once more.

"Nik, wait." He paused, leaving his back to her. "I'm sor—Thank you."

"You didn't stay in touch."

Klaus looked up for a moment as Fiore sat beside him, knowing exactly what memory was running through his head.

"Funnily enough, surviving another one of your heartbreaks is best done by being as far away from you as possible." Klaus said with a scowl.

"Which one was the hardest?" She questioned with a smirk.

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