Chapter 34: ...Comes Back Around

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~Marcel POV~

Marcel had begun to do some digging into finding out whether or not Genevieve truly was back from the dead. He had done his best to remain incognito and so naturally, was startled by a voice from behind him.

"Whatever are you doing, love?" Fiore asked with a smirk. "Don't be scared of little old me. Why so jumpy?"

"No reason." He said with his most convincing smile. "Just doing some scouting for Klaus."

"Lie." Fiore replied effortlessly. "You're doing something bad. But apparently, I am affected otherwise you wouldn't have made that idiotic try at lying."

"If I tell you, I need you to remain calm."

"I'll try."

"Witches are coming back from the dead and one of them could cause me and Rebekah some issues." Marcel explained.

"What kind of issues?"

"She...She brought Mikael to New Orleans all those years ago." Marcel answered to Fiore's horror. "Because we asked her to."

"I could kill you right now. In fact, I should."


"Don't you dare!" She snapped. "That ruined everything we had here. The life we had made here!"

"I know." Marcel told her. "I just wanted to chase Klaus away, I didn't know the kind of person Mikael was."

"That is BS and you know it." Fiore said darkly. "You knew exactly the kind of man Mikael was and you did it anyway. And for what? A chance to be with a girl who never even looked back?"

"Don't." Marcel countered.

"Mikael destroyed everything good. And you brought him here. On purpose." Fiore muttered in disbelief.

"I'm sorry." Marcel told her in earnest. "But I need your help. Klaus can never know about this."

"And why wouldn't I tell him?" She asked bitterly.

"Because he'll dagger Rebekah." Marcel began but Fiore was unmoved. "And he'll kill me."

"Maybe he should."

"Look, you can act all high and mighty now, but don't pretend like you're angry Mikael destroyed New Orleans because you aren't." Marcel snapped. "You're angry because it meant the end of you and Klaus' affair."

"Excuse me?" Fiore asked in shock.

"Yeah, I knew about it." Marcel continued. "And I also know I'm the only one who does."

"I hope you're smart enough to not try and threaten me, Marcellus." Fiore warned darkly.

"Of course not!" Marcel said with a deep sigh. "Fiore, you have cared about me since you set your sights on me. I would never threaten you, because of that alone. I'm just pointing out we all have secrets."

"What does she look like?" Fiore asked, causing Marcel to release a breath of relief.

"Redhead, tall-ish, called Genevieve." Marcel answered.

"I won't tell Klaus." Fiore murmured before walking away.

"Thank you." At this, Fiore paused at the edge of the alleyway, refusing to look directly at him.

"I never expected you of all people to make me feel this way."

"I never meant to hurt you. I swear."

"The worst pain I have ever felt is when I thought you were dead. And you put me through that."


The Enigma held up one hand to silence him.

"I thought you were gone."

And with that, Fiore dashed away, leaving a guilty feeling Marcel behind.

~Cami POV~

Cami was working her shift when she noticed her uncle stumble into the bar. She sighed angrily as he sat down right in front of her. She was still to forgive him for lying to her and she was going to make sure she knew it.

"I'm busy." She grumbled.

"Cami, pour me a drink. I have something to tell you." She reluctantly poured her uncle a shot of whiskey but when he picked up the glass he fumbled. His entire body was quaking, and he poured the drink all over himself.

"Uncle Kieran, what's wrong?" She asked as she dashed up to him in a worry.

"I've been hexed." He mumbled. "What happened to your brother is going to happen to me, and I don't know how long I have. I need you to promise that when it gets really bad, you'll be as far away as possible."

"No!" Cami said with a shake of her head. "I know some people, they can help! There has to be an antidote or something! There has to be another way!"

"Of course there is." Cami turned to her left and saw a redheaded woman approaching her with a smile. "If you want to save your uncle's life, all you have to do is take this blade and make sure it ends up in Klaus Mikaelson's heart."

~Iliana POV~

"Iliana, please!" Rebekah begged.

"Not happening!" I told her.

"You cannot stay here!" Rebekah insisted. "The witches are declaring war; Fiore is still after you and Elijah is mad at me, so I need you to cooperate!"

"If Elijah wants me out of his hair, then he can tell me himself." I snapped.

"Even Hayley agreed!"

"I don't care."

"Iliana." I turned to see Hayley at my door with a sheepish look and a packed bag at her side.


"Can we talk?"

I reluctantly nodded my head and followed Hayley out of my room and into hers. With Elijah's help she had completely moved in. And I wanted to feel happy for my friend, but I couldn't keep my jealousy at bay.

"What gives?" I asked in annoyance.

"Tonight's a full moon." She began.

"And what? I thought you said Fiore gave you that ring?" I asked with a frown. "You don't have to turn."

"Yes, but I planned to invite a few people over..." She said suggestively.

"Right. Every other wolf will turn tonight but your pack will be human." I murmured in understanding.

"But only for a few hours and they won't be again until the next full moon." She continued. "So I asked Josh to get a message out to Eve in the Bayou."


"We're having a party."


"Please!" The brunette begged. "Rebekah won't leave without you and this is my only chance. I'm begging you, Iliana. I need answers. I can get them here."

"What will you do when you get those answers?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know...maybe see what it's like to be part of a pack." Hayley said with a sigh. "They are the only reason I came to this hellhole and if I can't see them today then it would have all been for nothing."

"Okay. Okay, I'll go."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Rebekah!" I called out, causing the blonde to join me. "I'm ready to go."

"Already packed."

The Red Herring Revives: A Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now