Chapter 5: Elena The Cowardly Aunt

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"Stefan, how is she?" I asked hesitantly, hoping my sister was back.

"I promise the second we—"

"You know what? No!" I said in irritation. "I have had it up to here!"


"I'm coming back. And I'm gonna fix her."

"Iliana, it's not sa—"

"Twin B." Damon began as he took over from his brother. "The sooner you can get here, the better."

~Klaus POV~

"I guess you were brave, after all." Klaus said as he met the bartender in front of a street artist. He looked at her name tag and read it out aloud. "Camille. That's a French name."

"It's a name for grandmas, please, call me Cami." She said looking at the painter in front of them.

"Do you paint?" He asked her.

"No, but I can admire. They all have a story."

"What's his?"

"He's... angry." She said staring at him intently. "he doesn't feel safe and he feels helpless because of it. He wishes he could control his demons, but they control him. He's lost. He's... alone."

"Hm." Klaus said bitterly, feeling as though the blonde was talking about him specifically.

"Did you meet up with Iliana?" Cami asked him. "I haven't seen her since."

"You know how it is." He said with a shrug before disappearing only to run into his brother at the same deserted street as before.

"Here to give me another talk on the joys of fatherhood?" Klaus asked his brother as he sat down beside him.

"No." Elijah answered, shaking his head.

"I forgot how much I liked this town." Klaus said chuckling sadly.

"I didn't." Elijah replied with a smile. "The time we spent here, this was the time when our family was truly happy. But that's not what's on your mind."

"For a thousand years, I lived in fear. Any time I settled anywhere, our father would hunt me down and... chase me off. He made me feel powerless, and I hated it. This town was my home once, and in my absence, Marcel has gotten everything that I ever wanted. Power, loyalty, family. I made him in my image and he has bettered me. I want what he has. I want to be king."

"What of Iliana and the baby?"

"What good is a king without an heir?"

~Iliana POV~

When I got to the woods Elena was stood over a dead Matt and I looked back at them in horror. Elena seemed unfazed by his death and then she turned to me.

"Just in time." She said with a bloodstained grin. "My last snack just bit the bullet."

"Iliana get out of—"

"You bitch!" I yelled at her. "I hate you! Do you know that? I hate you! Our brother died! You are the only person that knows exactly how I have been feeling the whole time and what did you do? You took the coward's way out!"

"How dare you?" Elena shot back as she stalked up to me.

"Don't even think about it!" I snapped at her as I pulled my crossbow and lined it up at her chest. "Because for Elena, I will kill you without question! You stole my sister! You get to hide all the pain and the feelings of inadequacy, but I have to deal with it! All of it! I hate you! I am pregnant with my hybrid ex-boyfriend's baby! This should not be possible! And still the first person I wanted to tell was you!"

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