Chapter 21: He Had It Coming

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Klaus sat on the porch of the shack where I had been kidnapped, with Dwayne's dead body in front of him. Once he saw me, he dashed in for a hug, but Elijah stood in front of me.

"Elijah don't." I warned him.

"Are you alright?" Klaus asked me.

"I'm fine, Klaus." I told him with a sigh as I looked at the newly deceased Dwayne. "He's not."

"No, he isn't." Klaus turned his attention back to Dwayne and stared curiously. "This appears to be a hybrid."

"His name was Dwayne." I said bitterly, saddened that I had no doubt caused his death.

"Well whatever it was, I didn't sire him." Klaus replied. "Any idea how that's possible?"

"As if you didn't know!" Elijah snapped, causing me to pull him back.

"What did I just say?" I groaned in exasperation.

Klaus looked between the two of us and let out a greatly unamused laugh at our expense. "Well look at the two of you. Becoming faster friends day by day. Go on then! What kind of horrible accusation have you conspired to levy against me today?"

"Tyler Lockwood brought Iliana here to test a theory of his. That the blood of her child could be used to sire hybrids." Elijah answered with a cold look. "He says that not only were you aware of this but furthermore that you intended to use the child to build an army of these hybrids."

"And of course, you believed him!" Klaus remarked with a bitter laugh. "How could I have any interest in my own flesh and blood? A sad little cry-baby points his finger at me and even my own brother falls in line eager, to believe him."


"You know I have come to expect betrayal from my family, but I have to admit, I am shocked this same behaviour has come from you." Klaus told me with a pained gaze.

"I never said I believed him."

"But you never said that you didn't."

"Spare me your indignation, brother." Elijah said with a roll of his eyes. "When have you ever demonstrated any interest towards her child beyond your own selfish pursuits? And what was it you said to me? Oh yes, what is a king without an heir?"

"Of course, my big brother doubts my intentions." Klaus shot back with a glare. "Not that I'm surprised; standing next to the noble Elijah how can the bastard child be anything but his lesser? A liar, a manipulator and a disgrace."

"Klaus, stop it!" I yelled. "Elijah thought the worst, that was wrong, but let's not pretend like you didn't give him every reason to."

"Look at the way you hang on to his every word." Klaus said in pain. "You and Rebekah believe that too. No doubt my child will follow."

"Klaus, please stop." I begged. "I'm sorry. He's sorry."

"Are you to be his mouth piece now?" Klaus asked me.

"I'm trying to say—"

"You've said all you need to say." The hybrid interrupted. "I'll play my role wholeheartedly."

He dashed up to his brother and took a large bite out of his neck. I shrieked and ran over to him whilst Klaus merely wiped the blood from his mouth. "Enjoy one another's company, you'll have lots to bond over once the hallucinations and the dementia set in. Consider that bite my parting gift to you both."

~Klaus POV~

"Didn't you leave?" Klaus asked as his sister walked up behind him. He stared out the window and poured himself another glass of scotch as he examined the situation he had gotten into.

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