Chapter 18: He Broke Down And Let Her In

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~Rebekah POV~

Rebekah walked into her brother's room as he changed into his new clothes. The spell had worked, and she was ready to try and convince her brother about a plan of her own.

"The spell worked." She said with a smile. "Maybe we can make plans about—"

"Not now, Rebekah." Elijah said with exasperation. "Just wait until I return."

"I won't be here." She said quickly as he hurried towards the door.

"Is that a goodbye?" He asked her.

"Yes." She answered determinedly as he turned back to face her. "I came to New Orleans to make sure you were safe and now that you are, I'm leaving."

"You don't have to do this, Rebekah." He told her as he turned back to face her.

"I thought I could convince you to leave with me but look at you! Rushing into whatever Klaus and Marcel are up to." As she spoke, she started to tear up, overwhelmed by the truth. "I get it now. Finally. You'll never leave Klaus. You're like everyone else in this cursed family—you follow wherever the drama takes you."

"Rebekah, you should stay."

"No!" She snapped. "I don't want to be at the mercy of the next person that wants to kill us. I just want—I just want to be free."

Elijah walked over to her and smiled sadly. "Then go, Sister." He kissed her on the cheek and squeezed her arm. "You're free."

~Elijah POV~

When Elijah arrived, Agnes, her followers, Kieran and Klaus remained in the church. Agnes and Klaus were still throwing insults at each other and Kieran was still wishing they weren't arguing in his church. But Elijah had his mind set on one singular goal. Keeping his brother from killing Agnes.

"You know Agnes, I've finally decided how I'll punish you." Klaus had said, clapping his hands together and walking towards her. "I think I'll litter your body parts around your family tomb. Beautifully arranged of course, I like to think I'm quite the artist and all my artworks have a message behind them. Yours would be simple. Don't. Touch. My. Family"

"Niklaus, leave her at once." Elijah said as he approached them, to Father Kieran's delight. Klaus grabbed Agnes and put her in a headlock and Elijah knew his brother wasn't about to be stopped from carrying out his revenge on the hellish witch. "I gave my word Niklaus, now leave her."

"You always give your word at the absolute worst of times, Elijah." Klaus told him with a pout. "We've been doing it your way all day, just let me do this one thing! She deserves it!" The younger Mikaelson pleaded.

"Niklaus, you have asked for my forgiveness. I will grant you such but only if you leave Agnes unharmed." Elijah's brother glared at him but nonetheless, Klaus let Agnes go.

"My noble brother, how happy are you now that I've finally had this personal growth? Of course, you'd spoil my fun whilst doing it." Klaus grumbled but Elijah smiled at Agnes.

He wasn't sure if he had ever planned on letting her live, but in that second, Elijah's decision was cemented. Her smirk only sent him back to the fear he felt as he held Iliana in his arms, sick with worry over the protentional loss of her and or her baby. And he thought to how Sophie had tricked them into believing their goals were aligned. And how his brother had kept him away from her side, after he had promised to stand by her. And Elijah wanted revenge.

"Not exactly." Elijah remarked as he ripped out the heart of one of Agnes' men, threw the second into the ceiling and threw the third right after him, whilst also extracting his heart. He stared at Klaus with the two hearts still in his hand and dropped them. Klaus watched him in astonishment and looked at Agnes who appeared terrified for her life whilst Elijah whipped out his pocket square and wiped his hands clean of the blood.

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