Chapter 32: The Devil Has A Deal For Me

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~Elijah POV~

Elijah and Hayley arrived at the docks where they finally found Rebekah, only for their relief to be short-lived. She was lying down on the floor in the middle of a binding circle, with Papa Tunde's mark on her forehead clearly taking her energy from her.

"Rebekah!" Elijah exclaimed as he went to her side. He tried to get close to her, but the salt line was blocking him.

"What's happening?" Hayley asked.

"Some kind of boundary spell. Someone is channelling her. Typically, it's a lethal process, but because she's an Original, she can't die. Instead, she's an endless source of power." Elijah explained.

"So what do we do?" The wolf asked as Elijah frantically brought out his phone to call Sophie.

"Get her out."

~Tunde POV~

Papa Tunde knelt down in front of Marcel's body and carved a mark onto his head with his bone blade.

"As I recall, you are one of the few people Niklaus Mikaelson ever cared about." Papa Tunde said, ignoring Marcel's screams. "You know what he did to my family. But the sins of the father are paid for by the son. A truth that my own sons were forced to learn in such a gruesome manner. And now I will take great pleasure in telling Klaus how you died."

It was then that Klaus zoomed into the room and threw Papa Tunde into the bar. Tunde smirked knowing he would be able to carry out his revenge.

"I remember killing you. In fact, I relished it. What a joy it is to relieve fond memories." Klaus threatened, gritting his teeth.

"You're here." Papa Tunde said with a sick smile. Good. I can crush you in front of your son. Afterwards I will consume you both. I learnt my lesson from before, this time I'm stronger. But more than that—I'm smarter."

~Elijah POV~

"No, you're not listening!" Elijah yelled down the phone to Sophie Devereaux. "We cannot enter the circle. There's a confinement spell and if I can't remove her then I can't break the link."

"It's a convoluted spell. Like a witch's recipe. You can spoil the balance by adding a more potent ingredient." Sophie told him. "A mystical binding agent. I don't know, volcanic ash, rock salt... anything up to and including eye of newt."

It was then that Elijah noticed the other looming presence, which lessened his panic slightly. "What about the blood of a witch?"

Hayley looked confused and even Sophie didn't seem to understand what was happening. "Do you have the blood of a witch?"

He cut the phone and turned to the shadows with a fraught gaze. "I need a favour."

"Elijah, you know I'm not a witch, right?" Hayley asked with a puzzled look.

"No, but I am."

Hayley turned pale as Fiore walked towards them, a bright smirk on her face as she rapped her knuckled against Rebekah's boundary spell.

"Quite the predicament, I see." The Enigma murmured. "Whatever will you do, Elijah?"

"Were you here the whole time?" Elijah questioned.

"Well someone had to keep an eye on Becky here." She replied with a shrug. "Poor thing's been like this for hours."

"And you waited here for us to need you." Elijah said as he held Hayley protectively behind her.

"When you put it like that, it sounds opportunistic." Fiore told him with a pout before turning her attention to the wolf. "No need to hide from me, Little Wolf. I've no intent to hurt you. Though judging by the fact, you've decided to take a supporting role in Elijah's heart, you've taken to punishing yourself."

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