Chapter 22: I Wish That I Had Nikky's Girl

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I sat on a rocking chair in the damp shack, watching Elijah as he tossed and turn restlessly in his sleep. He was a sweaty mess and even though I was too, I didn't have werewolf venom in me—just a baby. He awoke from his tireless sleep and I went to get him a glass a water to help keep him calm.

"Here, drink this." I sat him up better in his bed and handed him the glass to keep himself sane. He attempted to drink it but instantly began to cough and gag, choking on the water. He looked miserable and I hated that I couldn't do anything.

"Forgive me. Please." He mumbled as I placed a damp cloth on his head.

"It's okay." I told him with a warm smile. "Just remind me to annihilate your brother once you're healthy."

"As long as you promise to get in line." He replied with a half-hearted laugh.

"It doesn't help that we decided to shack up in a swamp with terrible plumbing." I muttered bitterly. "Are you sure you don't want me to move you to a more comfortable place? I have people."

"I don't want you to have to associate yourself with me anymore than you already have." Elijah murmured tiredly.

I opened the window to let in fresh air when Elijah started coughing again. I rushed to his side and rubbed his back, hoping to alleviate some of the pain.

"Are you okay?" I asked in a panic.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." He told me. "Iliana, you have to go. Please. This fever will make me unstable. And once the hallucinations begin...I'll start to see things. You have to leave me here."

"I am not leaving you like this, Elijah." I took his hand and squeezed it in solidarity. "I'm right here."

~Klaus POV~

"They have all forsaken me. My siblings are deceitful in disease just like my parents before them." Klaus dictated to Cami as she continued on his typewriter, transcribing his memoirs.

"I want a laptop." She grumbled as she reset the margin. "I can't deal with this ancient relic you call a typewriter."

"It was good enough for Hemingway."

"I see the resemblance, booze and random acts of violence." She shot back.

"Just keep typing."

"Why?" She asked as she stood up. "You just say the same thing over and over and over again. Rebekah's out to get you, Elijah's out to get you, Marcel's out to get you. Everyone is plotting your downfall. Watch out for that mirror Klaus, who knows what your reflection is up to?"

"I would dagger them if only I could find those blasted objects."

"And here you go again, repeating your same old destructive patterns!" She added, shaking her head at him. "You are the only author of your unhappiness, Klaus."

"Did I ask for your advice?"

"Oh really?" She countered, hands on hips. "Of everyone in New Orleans you choose someone in a masters in psychology? You're over a thousand years old, I'm sure you know how to type. You compelled me to come here because you have no one else to talk to and you want someone to understand. And you wanna know why you compel me to forget everything? Because you are too scared to trust."

"I AM NOT SCARED OF ANYTHING!" Klaus roared, putting the psychologist on edge. He spotted a piece of paper that Cami had kept at her side and examined it with a distrustful eye.

"Don't touch that, it's my mystical ancient plot that I'm using to destroy you." The hybrid groaned in frustration whilst the blonde rolled her eyes before answering in earnest. "I'm kidding, it's a tattoo design."

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