Chapter 37: The Bodyguard

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"I'm pregnant."

"Sweetheart, I have ears and at this point eyes." Fiore told me with a roll of her eyes. "Are you asking if I'll harm the child? Worry not, you're on my hit list, not your baby."

"That's not why I want you here." I continued with a sigh. "I need your help."

"Wow!" Fiore began to cackle as I stood there doing my best to mask my annoyance. "Forgive my laughter, but you are asking a vicious murderer, who has already admitted to wanting to cause you harm, for help. Counter intuitive, no?"

"You're not a vicious murderer."

"Well that's new." Fiore replied with a raised brow. "What am I then?"

"You're... You're someone who's been hurt by the people they love one too many times. Silas... Klaus..."

"I was wondering if you knew about us."

"Klaus told me when you came to town." I began before taking a deep breath. "He wanted to make sure you didn't hurt his baby."

Fiore jerked up at this, looking between me and my stomach in disbelief.

"The baby you are carrying is Nik's?"

"Yeah." I said with a nervous gulp as The Enigma sat more still than I had ever seen anyone. "I'm having a miracle baby."

"A miracle indeed." Fiore said, still trying to adjust to this news. "Colour me intrigued, Gilbert. What do you want my help with?"

"Everyone is constantly getting hurt because they're protecting me and the baby." I said with a sigh. "I'm tired of it. I want to be able to defend myself and for my child to be able to do the same when she grows up."

"I hope you're not stupid enough to be asking me to be your bodyguard?" Fiore asked with a raised brow.

"No, I want a protection spell. Or something to that effect." I explained. "I want to know that my child and I will be safe. Without constant hovering."

Fiore paused and a smirk spread across her face. She got to her feet and got as close to me as she could, clearly testing my fear. I didn't flinch and she chuckled humourlessly.

"At the very least, you are very brave. I like brave women." Fiore told me. "And to that effect, I will consider this deal."

"Thank you." I said, releasing a deep breath.

"Does Klaus know what you're asking of me?" The Enigma questioned.

"No." I answered honestly. "It's part of why I'm asking. The witches have him."


"No one knows."

"Hm. Where is Elijah?" Fiore asked, and I could sense an urgency in her voice.

"He left to find him and Rebekah a while ago. Why?"

"Worry about yourself, love. Excuse me."

And with that Fiore disappeared from my room.

~Elijah POV~

Elijah returned to the courtyard after meeting with Monique Deveraux and being sent on a chase by a scorned Celeste. He stalked up to Marcel who was in the courtyard sending out more vampires to search the city. He needed to find his family as soon as possible, otherwise, hell would be raised, and he would be the one doing it.

"Elijah!" Hayley exclaimed as he returned.

"Me." Elijah muttered before turning to Marcel. "Anything?"

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